Hyperhidrosis: Treatment folk remedies

Hyperhidrosis: Treatment folk remedies
 Sweating - a nasty problem and delivers a strong discomfort, thus depriving him of the possibility of full communion. Suffering from hyperhidrosis people tend to try all available treatments, including, and folk remedies.

The goal of treatment of hyperhidrosis folk remedies is to reduce sweating. It is essential to follow the standard rules of hygiene, namely, to take a daily shower, which helps eliminate odors and freshen the skin. If the alternate hot and cold water during washing, you can gradually accustom the body to sudden changes in temperature.

From the popular methods to reduce the activity of sweat glands the most simple and requires no additional efforts are ways wetting sweaty places acidic solutions - diluted vinegar or lemon juice. Instead, you can use diluted apple cider or wine vinegar.

Grass and useful properties have long been used for treatment of hyperhidrosis. Oak bark, has a strong astringent action can help pull the pores, as well as acts as a natural antiseptic. Oak bark should boil, then add the cooled broth lemon juice. Ready-mix wipe sweating areas several times a day.

Anti-inflammatory and soothing effect is given packs of chamomile decoction with the addition of soda. Soda will neutralize the smell of sweat and daisy refreshes the skin.

If the cause is excessive sweating nervousness or irritability rapid, reception sedatives can give a good result (tincture of valerian, lemon balm tea, etc.).

If a person is suffering from hyperhidrosis general, the bath with the addition of mint, sage and chamomile will help reduce sweating. Daily bath beer diluted in water, which must be taken for two weeks significantly reduced sweating.

If you sweat a lot palm, it will help ammonia. A teaspoon of alcohol diluted in 1 liter of ordinary water. Such baths for hands should not be prolonged - no more than 10 minutes.

Strong tea will help to get rid of sweaty feet. Daily baths with strong brewed black tea dried skin of the feet, disinfect it and reduce sweating.

Tags: means, sweating, sweat, treatment of hyperhidrosis