Almost any allergic reactions on the skin of hands accompanied by severe itching and painful, in which the cover can be injured, and damage becomes infected, causing the formation of nonhealing wounds. To eliminate itching inside appointed antihistamines, anti-inflammatory drugs that reduce the severity of reactions in the body as a whole. Local treatment of allergic reactions include the use of integrated tools (boltushek, ointments with antibiotics and steroid hormones).
Strongly recommended for patients with any allergic rashes wet skin with water - it provokes increased itching and the development of complications. This particularly applies to the use of synthetic detergents, which are so much in the surrounding human world - these substances themselves can provoke allergies, and in contact with the rash to cause deterioration of the skin. Even with the elimination of the acute effects of allergies must be used for household work gloves made of latex or rubber.
To affect the body's immune system in general patients prescribed drugs binding and putting out an excessive amount of antibodies in the blood (chelators) and also medications that suppress the activity of immune system cells (calcium gluconate). The diet of patients limit the amount of pickles, simple carbohydrates, long-life products, which themselves are coated body.