Acne cure adjusted diet and regular cleaning procedures. Pay special attention to your diet - no fatty, sweet, spicy and savory dishes in it should not be. Focused on increasing consumption of dairy products, vegetables, and drinking plenty of pure non-carbonated water.
Clean the intestines - you can use laxatives, enemas or colon hydrotherapy to undergo the procedure. Engage in physical activity as moderate load stimulates circulation and lead to faster metabolism. Clean the skin with special gels, lotions and tonics, try not to use soap and alcohol-based cosmetic products (otherwise added to the rash and even dryness, dehydration).
Problem areas need to calm down - wipe the area with a rash of cucumber juice, yeast make masks, packs of sauerkraut and washing soaked rye bread. Decoctions of herbs that have anti-inflammatory properties (chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula, thyme), use of contrasting procedures - do alternate packs of hot and cold infusions. Well soothes the skin and removes excess flakes washing oatmeal - a little soak grains in water and apply in a circular motion on the skin. Leave for a few minutes, then rinse with cool water.
At the time of discard deep cleaning - Do not use scrubs, masks steamed, do not peel and do not visit the bath.