How to stop venous bleeding

How to stop venous bleeding
 Bleeding - a flow of blood, occurring as a result of vascular injury or disease. Most often this occurs because of injuries. Kick, stab incision violate the vascular wall, causing blood flows from them. Measures to stop bleeding depends on the cause and source. Venous bleeding, as well as any other, should be stopped in time. Otherwise it may happen irreparable.
 The human body can withstand the loss of only 500 milliliters of blood without any consequences. Outpouring of 1000 ml is dangerous, and the loss of more than 1 liter of blood threatens human life. If the loss is 2 liters or more, the victim needs to be an emergency replenishment of blood loss. Bleeding from large blood vessel can lead to death within a few minutes. Therefore, if possible, it should be quickly and reliably stopped. It is important to bear in mind that elderly people over 70 years, people weakened by disease and children can not tolerate even a small loss of blood.

There are several types of bleeding:
 - Capillary, in most cases easy to stop;
 - Blood, can quickly deplete the victim, therefore represents the greatest danger;
 - Venous, which is considerably less intense than blood, but threatens the health and human life, as opposed to the capillary;
 - Mixed.

First aid in case any of them is aimed at stopping the bleeding and protect the wound from infection. Index - to determine which vessels are damaged - the capillaries, arteries or correct.

Venous blood flows slow, continuous pulsing to the beat of breathing jet. The color of her dark red or cherry. Venous bleeding can be caused by traumatic injury vein ruptures of the blood vessels of the nasal mucosa (with an increase in blood pressure, aspirin) or tearing of veins (varicose veins with). Especially dangerous bleeding from the subclavian, jugular and femoral veins. It is best to stop pressure bandage.

So, when it detects a human venous bleeding, first lift the injured area. This is necessary so that the blood flowing from the damaged area. Then proceed to the imposition of a pressure bandage. Apply a little below its damage because venous blood to the heart from the peripheral vessels. It is better to use the individual dressing packets. And if he was not at hand, apply to the wound several layers of sterile gauze, bandage or gauze. They put a handkerchief (gauze, bandages or gauze, folded in several layers).

Further, in order to strengthen the dressing, take a few rounds (rpm) with a bandage. Pribintovyvayut pressure bandage very tight to the injury site. Remember, each new tour is imposed so that the previous one was blocked by 50-70%. So you squeeze the lumen of blood vessels that have been damaged, and stop the bleeding. If the blood stopped flowing, and the ripple below preserved - bandage superimposed correctly. But if it is again soaked with blood, then on top of it, apply a few layers of cheesecloth (wipes, bandages) and again tight bandage. If possible, put a bandage on top of a heating pad, which is filled with cold water or ice packs. Do not forget to remove the cold half an hour for 10-15 minutes. It is necessary to restore the general circulation in the area of ​​injury.

When bleeding from the nose wing press it to the partition by first placing in the nasal passage turunda cotton soaked with hydrogen peroxide. On the back of the head or nose apply cold for 4-5 minutes. Then remove for 3-4 minutes and place again. Do this until the complete cessation of bleeding. Keep your head straight, because if it is to throw back, blood will flow on the back of the throat.

Tags: bleeding, cardiac, blood loss