How to restore cartilage

How to restore cartilage
 Joint - a complex functional mechanism, which consists of synovial fluid, bone and cartilage. Cartilage covers the bony surfaces and protects them from contact, ie, serves as a shock absorber. With age and at higher loads cartilage wears out, there are pain, stiffness in the joints.
 If you experience these symptoms in the first place should consult a specialist - an orthopedic surgeon. The doctor will need a picture of the joint, to make a decision about treatment.

In mild deformities and as a preventive measure, widely used hondroprotektory - substances that restore cartilage and suspending the degenerative processes. Instant results from them should not wait. You need to take them for a long time, sometimes for years, for individually tailored course. Such prophylactic use of drugs containing glucosamine and chondroitin, prolongs the active life for older people. In diseases slowly destroying cartilage, these drugs slow down or stop further destruction of the joints. Chondroitin provides elasticity of joints, keeps the water in cartilage and inhibits the activity of enzymes that destroy cartilage. Glucosamine is a building material for the formation of cartilage.

In addition to these basic reducing cartilage, there are other worthy additions. These are vitamins C and E, they are significantly alleviate suffering with arthritis. A similar effect is also beta-carotene, niacin, vitamin B12.

Can not do without the deformed joint essential fatty acids. Polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 reduces inflammation of the joints, degenerative processes stop, help relieve pain.

In the complex restoration of cartilage held physiotherapy - electrophoresis, relaxing massage, magnetic therapy. They should only be undertaken under medical supervision and prohibited at the time of exacerbations.

For better cartilage repair can take a course of mud, radon baths. As prevention of osteoarthritis is often prescribed a course of physiotherapy. These exercises do not create a burden on aching joints, they are performed in the supine position or sitting. When degeneration of cartilage should try to minimize the static load on the joint. To do this, you must give up part of wearing high heels, lose weight, try not to lift weights. Remarkably relieves joints swimming.

Restore cartilage extremely popular ways is almost impossible, but as a supplement to the basic treatment, you can use ointments based cinquefoil.

In very advanced cases, joint deformity, when cartilage is destroyed and he becomes motionless, resorting to surgery and prosthetics.

Tags: pain, joint arthrosis, fabric