How to improve the sense of smell

How to improve the sense of smell
 The world around us is full of smells. They influence the functioning of the organism, its psycho-physiological state. The sense of smell allows you to enjoy a pleasant aroma and warns of possible danger. It may decrease with age, damaged as a result of illness or accident.
 Hyposphresia - a reduction olfactory function. Often lead to such consequences nasopharyngeal disease - a chronic runny nose,
sinusitis, sinusitis, rhinovirus infection. The sense of smell may deteriorate due to nasal polyps, adenoids, curvature of the nasal septum. Sometimes this condition occurs due to damage to the olfactory nerve, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease.

By reducing the smell it is necessary to consult a specialist to effective assistance was provided in time. To restore the sense of smell, there are many ways - from physical therapy to surgery.

As long as possible and brighter to smell, you need to train your sense of smell. The easiest way - with his eyes closed to sniff a variety of subjects, identifying them.

By reducing the sense of smell is necessary to avoid foods that cause accumulation of mucus in the nose and throat. Avoiding milk, butter, cheese and ice cream will help in this.

Some medications affect the sense of smell, usually it is written in the instructions. Smoking and alcohol consumption also reduces the possibility to smell.

Hyposmia may be linked to insufficient amount of zinc in the body. In this case the help products enriched with zinc: lentils, sunflower seeds and walnuts.

Prolonged exposure to unpleasant odors can also reduce the ability to smell, you should try to avoid them.

Helps to improve the function of the nose known yogic procedure - nose washing with warm salt water. Closing one nostril with your finger, you need to slowly draw the water the other nostril. And vice versa. The course of treatment - at least ten procedures.

In case of violation of smell may help correct diet, improves the nutrition of nervous tissue. It includes oil, fish oil, beef, legumes, yeast, drinks and dishes that excite the nervous system: strong tea, coffee, pickles and smoked. If the smell is violated as a result of allergies, you need to include in the diet more vegetable dishes and avoid canned foods, sweets, eggs, oranges and nuts.

There are medications that help with goposmii - is amphetamine, caffeine, ephedrine, vitamins A, group B. If there is no sense of smell due to impaired nasal breathing, help the operation. The surgeon will remove all obstacles in the nasal cavity and restore patency of the olfactory cleft. Many patients immediately after surgery are able to enjoy the smells.

Tags: problem, smell