How to handle open wounds

How to handle open wounds
 Even without medical training, you can easily administer first aid to the person who has received an open wound. If it is small and clean, when its correct treatment, you may not even have to go to the doctor. But even if the wound is complicated, it is reasonable to help her greatly facilitate healing and further treatment.
 First aid man received a public injury is immediate hemostasis in any way possible.

If bleeding slightly, will simply press the vessel. But if you see that the bleeding does not stop, the blood is bright red color and flows under pressure pulsating jet, then damaged artery, and should apply a tourniquet and immediately send the victim to the hospital. But note that the imposition of his wrong (too tight) can damage blood vessels and nerves and threatens to tissue necrosis. A little tourniquet not only does not help, but it can also stimulate increased bleeding (this happens if the venous blood flow is stopped and no blood).

Press the vascular lesions finger an inch above the injured limb and lift the tourniquet above the injury. Under tourniquet lay something soft.

After 45 minutes, loosen the tourniquet about three minutes to restore blood flow, then imposed, but note that more than 1, 5-2 hours harness in one place can not be cast. If no help, then later applied tourniquet just above or below the previous application site.

Note: in case of damage to the veins (dark red blood flows slowly) tourniquet is applied below the injury.

Next, no less important task - to protect the wound from infection, as it is in the future may lead to some complications. Be sure to disinfect their hands with alcohol. Before applying bandages and try to remove the dirt from the surface of the wound, land and other foreign objects, it is desirable that a piece of cloth, a pair of tweezers or bintikom. Just do not try poking around in an open wound, trying to remove the dirt from its deeper layers. Leave this mission professionals.

The best thing you can do is to fill the wound with hydrogen peroxide. After cleaning the wound surface treat the skin around the wound with iodine or alcohol. In this case, in any case should not be allowed to enter the wound itself iodine - this will burn injured tissues and take unnecessary pain to the affected person.

For bandaging, you can use whatever you have on hand - bandages, pieces of cloth, a scarf - but, of course, clean. If you have an individual package - it is excellent. When you start closing sterile bandage damage, be careful not to touch your hands to accidentally open areas.

If the wound is large and painful, look for some painkillers and give it to the victim. And then try to quickly take him to the nearest medical facility.

For small and poses no danger to life and health of the wound can make love at home, but it is important to observe how it will behave. A few hours after the injury usually any damage to the skin becomes inflamed. It is necessary to remove the inflammation. The first couple of days to process the wound swabs, well soaked in a 10% salt solution, or hydrogen peroxide. These disinfectants, inhibit the growth of bacteria and promote the flow of pus, if any, as well as blood clots and dead cells.

A few days will not hurt to use ointments Vishnevsky and products containing streptocid. If you see that the wound is clean, you can attach it to a piece of aloe leaf (cut to the wound). Aloe is very good and tightens the skin heals.

Traditional medicine also advises to use for healing wounds pounded plantain leaves or ointment from fresh leaves of St. John's wort and sage. For the preparation of such an ointment take equal parts of these herbs, chop, and then rub with internal lard. This tool should be stored in a refrigerator.

Tags: bleeding, dressing on the wound, treatment, stop