How to get rid of mucus in the nose

How to get rid of mucus in the nose
 Stagnation of mucus in the nose provokes constant nasal, violation of nasal breathing, creates a breeding ground for bacteria and germs. Over time, dulled sense of smell, decreased hearing, though to avoid all these effects can be by getting rid of mucus in the nose.  
 The most productive way to help reduce the amount of mucus in the nose are washing. Prepare a warm solution - mix in a glass of boiled water or take a spoonful of salt infusion of chamomile or pine needles. Method for nasal lavage, select one that is most acceptable for you - you can draw alternate nostrils solution, you can use ready-made systems from seawater to inject fluid into the nostrils. Introduction of fluid into the nasal cavity and causes thinning mucus expectoration improves. If you're not carry the nasal lavage, limit long deep throat rinsing the same solutions. The main condition for the procedures - regularity. Only in this case, you can count on the disappearance of mucus and restoration of nasal breathing.

Technique of rinses may be different. If you decide to clean the nose by means of retracting the solution, then cook a dish with low edges. Lean over the bath and, holding one nostril, nostrils retract the second solution for washing so that he was deeply. If you did everything correctly, the water together with mucus will any of the other nostril, or flow into the throat, and you splyunete it. Do the same with the second nostril. After each washing vysmarkivayte alternately scraping each nostril. At the end of the procedure, gargle with a fresh portion of the solution.

Principle nasal lavage using a syringe similar - first pour solution into one nostril, then the other. Irrigate the nose should not be, if the permeability of the nasal passages strongly violated - in this case, the first drip vasoconstrictive drops, wait a few minutes and then proceed to rinse.

Thin the mucus can be by inhalation. Prepare a mixture of dried herbs (eucalyptus, peppermint, chamomile, pine needles), fill it with boiling water and breathe over the basin under the guise of the top large towel or blanket. Immediately after inhalation can be done rinsing the nose or just have a good blow his nose. Try to blow your nose properly so as not to cause mucus penetration deep into the sinuses and provoke sinusitis.

Tags: nose running, washing, slime, nasopharynx