How to get rid of hoarseness in the voice

How to get rid of hoarseness in the voice
 You can lose your voice for colds, when working in dusty places, with frequent loud cry. If time does not apply the treatment, it can be a very long walk with a hoarse throat that delivers significant inconvenience.
 For the treatment of hoarseness, there are many popular recipes. They are very simple, but if you observe them regularly, you can quickly recover a lost voice.

Begin to treat throat warm drink with honey. Then boil the flesh and try to eat it. If this is not causing your enthusiasm, you can chop the onion, cover with sugar, add honey, add water and boil for 20-25 minutes. Then use this onion jam during the day. After such treatment, the voice becomes clear and sonorous.

You can also grate the ginger, mix it with honey in the ratio of one to three, boil for a few minutes and use, adding herbal tea. This tool is very good for insomnia and restores the throat.

For the treatment of throat used herbs such as thyme, thyme, marjoram. They have antimicrobial activity and reduce inflammation of the vocal cords, because of which there was hoarseness. These teas are taken with honey.

For gargling use different means. A teaspoon of salt and soda mix in a glass of warm water and rinse five or six times a day. You can take aloe juice, dilute it with a little water and warm perform rinsing.
To remove hoarse singers before concerts are trying to wrap up his throat, drink a warm drink, do not drink carbonated beverages. Still use the same old way: drink a few raw eggs, then it becomes much louder voice.

Another way to reduce inflammation and removing hoarseness - lubricate the throat with a mixture of glycerin iodine. Cotton swab is wound on a stick, moisten and lubricate the prepared mixture larynx. The procedure is performed 2-3 times a day, but no more than three days. Especially effective is the treatment for cataract when there is swelling and redness of the throat.
By using folk remedies, you still need to see a doctor to be tested. After all, sometimes harmless for hoarseness may hide signs of a very serious disease.

Tags: voice, hoarseness