Often the cause of the pain can become stale products. Poisoning usually accompanied by vomiting, fever, loss of appetite, weakness. In this case, to remove germs, you must drink a weak solution of potassium permanganate. It is also necessary to provoke vomiting to cleanse itself of toxins. But if you feel weak and the body temperature rises above 37, 5 degrees, immediately call an ambulance.
One reason for periodic pain in the stomach can become gastritis. In this disease, pain felt in the area of the stomach and typically occurs after a meal, also may be associated with heartburn. In such pains to postpone visit to the doctor is not necessary. You urgently need examination and treatment. On the way to the doctor, you can eat a banana, which envelops the mucosa. It's time to stop the pain.
Another reason stomach pains can be stress. With such a pain, for sure, met everyone - whether exam interview, fright or nervous tension. When such pain should calm down and drink tea with honey, to do a few simple exercises and sports to remember something pleasant.