Bitter taste in the mouth: Causes and Treatment

Bitter taste in the mouth: Causes and Treatment
 Once in our body is a failure, he immediately signaled to us about it. The appearance of bitterness in the mouth is a symptom of disease, which must be avoided, and the sooner, the better. Because we all know that many diseases are diagnosed in time, it is easy to treat.

Cause a bitter taste in the mouth can be liver disease, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, duodenal ulcer disease. Most often bitter taste causes malfunction of the gallbladder, where bile is release into the esophagus. Cholagogue help get rid of the bitterness in the mouth. But more serious diseases such as gallstones, has required more drastic measures.

Unique organ in our body - the liver, which cleans the blood of toxins. Without it, our bodies would have died from poisoning. One of the most common diseases of the liver - stone formation. For many years in the ducts are formed of hardened bile stones, preventing the normal flow of bile. It stagnates, causing inflammation or cirrhosis. The appearance of bitterness in the mouth should make a person think that the liver is not all right. You need to pay attention to lifestyle, diet, uncontrolled use of antibiotics. After all, the liver every year more and more difficult to cope with their work. Need to clear the bile ducts of the fact that there has accumulated over a lifetime. For this purpose different choleretic agents, such as olive oil is warmed, lemon juice, cholagogue grass. Only do these procedures it is necessary under the supervision of a specialist.

Bitter taste in the mouth can be a symptom of gastritis. Bile from the duodenum into the stomach is thrown. Substances and acids, which are composed of bile, corroding the stomach wall. Continuous cast bile into the stomach can result in chronic gastritis. If you feel uncomfortable, you can poprinimat drugs that reduce acid production. In any case, identify and treat the disease can only be a specialist.

Take care of your health permanently. When the first symptoms appear, consult a physician. Early treatment is able to defeat even the most terrible disease.

Tags: diet, bitterness, appearance, treatment, symptom, cause bile ejection