Why cheeks burn

Why cheeks burn
 Often people notice that their cheeks burn, but do not attach any special significance. In most cases, experience is not really worth it. But often occurs and not passing a long time feeling the heat can be a sign of certain diseases.  
 For most people, the cheeks begin to burn with a strong surge of emotions, such as embarrassment, shame, anger. This is due to the fact that when a person excitement sharply raises the temperature, there is an expansion of blood vessels, and as a result - redness of the face. Also, this trouble may be a symptom of various diseases.

Strong rush of blood to her cheeks may be a sign of hypertension. In this disease, the redness is permanent. In some cases, a person may acquire a crimson hue.

This trouble appears and hormonal failure, pregnancy, menopause. Men of a certain age, also happens extinction of sexual function, is not painful, but with the same symptoms.

Redness of the face is typical for people who abuse alcohol, as alcohol provokes strong vasodilatation. When excessive drinking while people do not consume alcohol, redness of his face disappears, giving way to an unhealthy pallor, gray.

Strong sensation of heat on the cheeks can provoke taking certain medications. In this case it is better to refuse medication or replace them with others. Especially true of people with high blood pressure.

Long stay in a stuffy room or on the sun also causes this illness. Overheating should be afraid of people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, as this can lead to a heart attack.

The reason may be, and allergic reactions to foods. In this case, the person cheeks burn, nausea, vomiting, headache. Often this disease accompanies viral and colds.

If you are concerned about this for a long time trouble, see a doctor. He will spend the necessary examination, identify the cause and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Tags: redness, reason