Spurs on his heels. Symptoms and Treatment

Spurs on his heels. Symptoms and Treatment
 Heel spur - very unpleasant and dangerous disease feet, which is able to cause serious consequences. To avoid this, you need to know what spurs on his heels, symptoms and some treatments.  

In medical reference spurs on the feet are described as a thorn or a small blade, resulting in the proliferation of bone on the heel. If you have been paying attention to the pain in this area, it is possible you got it "spurs". Nature of pain: burning and sharp, enhanced by active walking.

If desired, the patient can test the site to make sure or deny their concerns. At risk are people with flat feet, plus West, as well as those who distributes the load on the wrong foot. Might be such that the spur arise from chronic diseases such as arthritis.

Among all methods of treatment of this disease is still the most popular are folk remedies, which somehow help to reduce pain.

Widely known method based on the infusion of the leaves of lilac. For its preparation fill them with vodka 1:10 and wait a week. Then wipe this infusion sore spot, it is desirable to do it at night when the legs during sleep rest. Relief must come the next day, but for the full strengthening procedure should be repeated daily for several weeks. Yet there is an option on the wild rose liqueur. Do all the same as described above, only replace the leaves of the plant.

In addition to this there are wiping Natural mask for the feet, which are no less effective.

Take nettle leaves, grind them in a meat grinder and put the resulting mass at the bandage, apply as a compress. It is imperative to use it fresh nettle leaves, so this type of treatment is suitable only in the warmer months. Its counterpart, in fact, will compress mug.

 If you are the enemy of traditional medicine and prefer classical methods of treatment, then you should know that the main means are the same mask, only the assigned doctor, foot bath, physiotherapy and analgesics to relieve pain. As a rule, they are not very effective, so it is better to pass the latest procedures with a positive result: magnetic therapy, laser therapy, ultrasound.

Tags: heel spurs, nettle, treatment, foot, symptom, medicine