Oxygen species

Oxygen species
 Oxygen tanks used in medical practice, when it was necessary to save the life of a person with pulmonary disease, asthma, or hypoxia. But lately, the scope of the use of the unique properties of oxygen greatly expanded. In medicine, an entire field of treatment, called oxygen. This gas has also become one of the most important means of overall health and the widest possible use in cosmetics and sports.
 Oxygen helps a person to solve many problems related to health. It allows you to improve memory, strengthen the immune system, get rid of headaches, normalize sleep, vision, digestion, recover from intense exercise, calm the nervous system, as well as slow down the aging process.

The oldest, time-tested a variety of oxygen are oxygen inhalation. They are carried out with masks or special inhaler. Basically instruments for such procedures is in hospitals. But after release of oxygen cylinders and oxygen concentrators special inhalation became possible and at home.

Is very popular and this method oxygen as oxygen cocktails. Drink filled with oxygen bubbles, useful, very tasty and attractive in appearance, so it is willing to accept even children. Preparing a drink on the basis of juices, herbs and herbal preparations.

Many beauty salons and beauty centers have proliferated bezinektsionnoy mesotherapy treatments with the use of this gas. Its essence lies in the fact that on cleansed skin smeared with a special serum, useful items which pressurized oxygen penetrate into the deeper layers of the epidermis. They are within a few months there absorbed by nourishing the skin and restores its tone. This therapy is very useful after peeling, plastic surgery and the treatment of acne.

When oxygen is made gentle microdermabrasion peeling c using microcrystals of aluminum oxide and oxygen. This method allows you to painlessly smooth out facial wrinkles and age, reduce stretch marks and scars.

And widely known method such as oxygen baths. It is based on the action of active oxygen to the skin, which is saturated with warm water.

For correction, if necessary, of detoxifying the body and overall health and rejuvenation are very commonly used oxygen capsule - local application with oxygen and some special preparations. Blood thus enriched with oxygen, and the skin gets a powerful impetus to upgrade.

In a number of healthy products containing oxygen, we should mention some cosmetics - serum, shampoos, creams and cosmetics. They significantly improve the condition of skin and hair.

Of course, oxygen therapy - a powerful tool to help your body, but remember that it is, first of all, the treatment and, therefore, it should be applied only after consultation with experts.

Tags: species, oxygen, a property, use, species, oxygen