How to treat thrush

How to treat thrush
 There are a number of women's diseases, which are very widespread for decades. One of them - the thrush, the existence of which knows almost every woman. However, not everyone understands how it is serious, and how to fight it. Women's magazine JustLady as detailed as possible today thrush tell its readers by giving them information about the cause of this disease, and how to cure it.

Thrush. What is it?

Thrush ... Well, who of us is unknown, seemingly quite harmless disease, which causes considerable discomfort and can deliver a lot of inconvenience? Someone from women trying to find out from friends and relatives,how to treat thrushPracticing various douching. Someone intends to seek medical attention, but after a thrush symptoms disappear, forget this intention. And some women do not pay attention to easy itching and small allocation, sincerely believing that this is sheer nonsense, unworthy of concern.

And, meanwhile, thrush is not only harmless - it is extremely insidious and often, when the surface of her treatment, causes relapses, promoting serious disorders of the immune system. In addition, running thrush can cause bladder, gastrointestinal tract, inflammation of the cervix and other serious consequences, cure that will be very difficult.

What is a this is ours, at first glance, the weak, and in fact, quite harsh and powerful enemy - thrush? In medicine, it is called "candidiasis." Candidiasis - a fungal disease that is caused by a fungus Sandida present in the body of each woman. This fungus has been actively involved in metabolic processes, and, in essence, is harmless. However, in the event of certain conditions, it becomes aggressive and gives a lot of anxiety. And thencure for thrush turns out to be very handy ...

Candidiasis. Features, aspects

By candidiasis predisposed, primarily pregnant women, women who use hormonal contraceptives, people with diabetes, allergies and those who have passed a course of antibiotics. But do not settle down, women who fall into these categories of risk - according to statistics, what is thrush, know firsthand nearly three-quarters of the weaker sex. It is impossible to protect against - candidiasis sick and virgins, and women who have long been intimacy.

Thrush is often passed from mother to newborn children, causing them to a number of comorbidities. Do not pass it and men - candidiasis passed them during sex and kissing. In short, the disease is omnipresent and unpredictable, and to prevent its occurrence is not no way. And so, at the first suspicion of candidiasis, it is necessary to strive for, as soon as possible cure.

The main symptoms of the disease - white discharge and moderate to severe itching in the vaginal area. Itching is usually worse after a bath or shower. It can develop into a burning sensation in which intimacy becomes very painful. Symptoms of thrush aggravated before menstruation and may subside after it will pass.

In recent years, the number of diseases candidiasis, despite the efforts of medicine, has been steadily growing. This increase is due to, first of all, flippant attitude to the disease and inconsistent treatment, which only exacerbates the disease process. Many women truly believe that all by itself will take place, and do not even try to solve the problem,how to treat thrush. And in vain. Because to get rid of candida is not so easy - it can hide for a long time and to express themselves in the most unexpected moment. Therefore, the appearance of some discomfort in the vagina, or unusual discharge should see a doctor. He will appoint the appropriate tests and determine if thrush is confirmed, the optimal variant of its treatment.

How to treat thrush

From sexual activity during treatment is better to abstain. Usually in such cases are examined and spouse, and if it is too sick,cure for thrush appoint and it. This is very important because even a healthy woman re-infected from her husband, and treatment will be repeated over and over again.

For the treatment of thrush usually assigned antifungal and antimicrobial agents, and a combination of drugs.Cure for thrush presented in capsules, sprays, creams and candles. The most effective method in this case is a combination tablet with candles. Unfired candidiasis can often be eliminated with just one capsule of the appropriate drug.

Pharmacies havecandles from yeast with an applicator of local importance. It's pretty effective remedy for candida, virtually harmless to the body.

In general, today the pharmaceutical industry produces many medicines from yeast, which are sold at very democratic values. They all contain the active ingredient "fluconazole" being an excellent antifungal. It prevents the growth of fungi and well absorbed intestine.

The choice of drugs for the treatment of candidiasis should occur on the recommendation of a physician. He tells the best treatment option, which prevents reinfection thrush. Relying on someone's advice and try tothrush cure yourself should not be: it can go into the chronic stage and can cause much more serious disease.

Treatment for thrush must be accompanied by a specific diet. Otherwise, it will be ineffective. During this period, you can not eat foods that promote the growth of the fungus Candida: white bread, buns, cheese, fresh cabbage, sweet. In turn, the food is very useful fermented milk with live lactic acid bacillus: kefir, yogurt and more.

In the daily menu should include as much fruit, except for grapes. During reception of medicines need to drink plenty of water, activates the liver and kidneys and help them excrete toxins residues.

You can not drink coffee, strong tea, and, of course, alcohol. It reduces the concentration of drug in the blood and can negate all treatment. This will happen no matter what his method is used, whether the capsule, cream orcandles from yeast.

The course of treatment can not be interrupted. After his graduation need to be screened again and make sure that health is restored.

Be careful about your health, and it will ensure complete in all respects, life!

 Olga Kocheva
Women's magazine JustLady

Related Links:
Treatment of thrush folk remedies, traditional recipes from yeast
Thrush in Women: Symptoms of thrush

Tags: candle, candida, thrush, tablet, suppository, title, review, treatment, spouse, medicine, capsule, drug selection, virgin