How to treat inflammation of the facial nerve

How to treat inflammation of the facial nerve
 Looking at the distorted face of a man at once and almost unerringly can be diagnosed: neuritis of the facial nerve. This disease is often, but treated everyone individually. Therefore, you need to come over to the therapy very seriously.  
 Prichinymogut be different: it's nerve injury and intoxication at the time of diabetes, but the most common - an inflammation of the nerve. The disease is triggered by exposure to cold, if you long to stand in a draft or wash ice water during a heat wave.

Inflammation of the facial nerve is manifested by severe pain, one half of the face, the one that struck, does not move and paralyzed. It is impossible to smile and even talk normally.

In general, very easy to get sick, and for the treatment of inflammation of the facial nerve requires quite a long time. Treatment can take as 2-3 months and six months.

Before you begin treatment, you should consult a neurologist, who conduct a thorough diagnosis, establish the correct diagnosis, and only then prescribe treatment. In some cases, hospitalization may be required, and only after hospital treatment and observation can continue treatment at home.

In the first week of the disease, an acute period, usually prescribe anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and vasodilatory tablets. And for the general improvement of health appointed painkillers and complete rest. The drug is prescribed only individually for each patient individually, depending on comorbidities, individual tolerance, allergic reactions, age and severity of the disease. During the onset of the disease is not recommended to go out without a hat and scarf, and it is best to make a bandage on the affected side. During treatment should avoid drafts and both happen less in the cold. At the end of the week appointed physiotherapy.

At the beginning of the second week, you can begin to massage the affected area and exercise therapy. Initially, the load should be small, but it can be increased gradually. By the end of the second week may be used paraffin baths. Good effect mud and acupuncture. During this period, and other useful physiotherapy, which are aimed at accelerating the recovery of the affected muscles.

When finishing the treatment, only a doctor can decide. Perhaps if the muscles are not restored after 10 months, the neurologist can solve the problem with the help of surgery.

If all of the prescription and not to self-medicate, a month of inflammation of the facial nerve will be forgotten.

Tags: nerve treatment, inflammation, optic neuritis