How to take a sharp pain

How to take a sharp pain
 Alas, from the sharp and severe pain are not perfect - it can catch at any time and anywhere, thus depriving the normal operation and the causes of suffering. Therefore, to know how to quickly deal with the pain, it is necessary.
 Ideal - always carry a purse analgesic, because twinge may be surprised. Here the main thing - to find something to wash down a pill, and in any case not exceed the dose. Very often, hoping to quickly relieve pain, people instead of one tablet drinking two, or even three. The pain of that will not go away faster, but the overdose and related problems can easily earn.

Sharp headache can try to remove with the help of acupuncture massage. Required points are on the neck under the neck, where there is a small concave, between thumb and forefinger, as well as at the temples. Gently massage these points - you should be easier. Acupuncture, by the way, can help with menstrual pain. To weaken it, find a point that is midway between the ankle and the end of the gastrocnemius muscle.

If you have a sharp toothache, ideal - immediately turn to the dentist. He put a shot and heal the tooth. However, this is not always possible. If the hand was no anesthetic, try to rinse your mouth with vodka and attach to the tooth bandage soaked in it. Just keep in mind that for a long time can not leave such a wrap - alcohol is bad for the tooth enamel. A little more gentle option - Rinse strong brine.

Relieves menstrual pain good heater, filled with hot water. Just not too hot - water bottle should not be fired. Heat relieve spasms and significantly improve your condition.

But a sharp pain in the muscles, such as tensile, it is better to remove the cold contrary - apply ice or something else cold to the injured area to make it easier.

Sudden pain in the stomach or pancreas help tools like mezima or festal. But conventional analgesics based on dipyrone and ibuprofen may harm in this case.

Remove the sudden pain in the joints and spine help analgesic or a special ointment, such as "Fastum-gel". It penetrates into the affected area and ease your suffering.

By the way, if the pain is severe and you have a pain reliever in ampoules, you can enter it intramuscularly, provided, of course, if you or someone knows how to put good shots.

In any case, after the removal of pain consult your doctor - in fact it may be the first bell of serious illness.

Tags: pain syndrome, spasm