How to remove a stone in the ureter

How to remove a stone in the ureter
 Ureteral stones occur in about half the cases of urolithiasis. Kidney stones are formed inside in the renal pelvis. But for some reason they can begin to move, getting a current urine into the ureter. The patient in this case is experiencing the strongest attacks of pain, called renal colic. Pain is only slightly removed analgesics. Radical form of treatment - only removal of the stone.  
 Removal of ureteral stones three ways. Depending on the size of the stone, composition and position of the channel, the physician selects:
- Conservative treatment;
- The destruction of the stone within the ureter using a special radiation generated by an electric current (lithotripsy);
- Surgery.

The purpose of medical treatment - to create the conditions for release of stone naturally through the urinary tract. This is possible only at small sizes calculus (stone) - less than 5-6 mm in diameter - and in the absence of complications. Patients were allocated to thermal procedures (hot tub, hot water bottle), excessive drinking (he should drink at least two liters of water per day). Of medications used painkillers, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antibiotics and drugs that promote dissolution of stones (they are effective mainly in uric acid stones).

At larger sizes calculus, when he can not go through a fairly narrow channels of the urinary tract, used breaking it into small pieces using a wave therapy. It uses a special apparatus - lithotripters. There are two types of lithotripsy: contact (shock wave) and remote. As a result of the use of lithotripsy formed small pebbles and sand that are removed from the body naturally.

In the absence of the effect of the first two treatments, appointed surgery. Considering the condition of the patient, the size and location of the stone, the physician selects a method of surgery. This removal may be by means of hinges concrement through a catheter inserted into the ureter; laparoscopic surgery, or (in severe cases) ureterolithotomy - operation with dissection of the ureter for the removal of the stone.

Tags: removal, stone, treatment, ureter