How to reduce protein in the urine

How to reduce protein in the urine
 The appearance of protein in the urine may indicate the problems with the kidneys, diseases of the genitourinary system, about infections of unbalanced diet, etc. Often faced with a similar problem and pregnant women. In this case, people may first feel themselves healthy. But if the cause is not identified and do not take steps to normalize the situation, we can expect more serious problems.
 If it turns out that at the time of analyzes have discovered a protein in the urine, you should consult a specialist to determine the cause of its occurrence and to obtain the necessary supplies to treat the underlying disease. You may be discharged antibacterial or decongestants, drugs that reduce blood clotting and so on. Independently buy some medicine in any case impossible.

The most "simple" cases - the appearance of protein in the urine due to strong physical exertion, exposure to cold or emotional distress. In this case, you should reduce the load to settle down and perform warming procedure. At the next board analyzes of protein should not be.

If the cause is kidney disease, follow the salt-free diet. Intake of salt a day, you should not exceed 2 grams. Decrease the amount of fluid intake. It should be no more than a liter a day, and it is better to use not just water, and broth hips, black currant juice, cranberries or cranberry dairy products (fat content of not more than 2, 5%). Make sure that the volume of urine corresponded to the amount of fluid entering the body.

At the time of treatment reduce the consumption of meat and fish. You will be useful porridge, including rice, pumpkin, cheese, roasted vegetables and fruits, as well as raisins and dried apricots. In any case, do not use a large number of products containing proteins, in particular, raw milk or eggs. Watch for blood pressure. Its level should be no higher than 140/80 mm Hg

In that case, if you found inflammatory disease, for example, pyelonephritis or cystitis, you should be treated with antibiotics. Treatment can be supplemented using diuretics and anti-inflammatory herbs such as chamomile, thyme, birch buds, field horsetail, etc. Of these plants prepare teas and drink as tea.

Protein in the urine can be reduced by using the following broth: take 40 g of bearberry, birch buds 30 g, 40 g Hypericum arvense 30g, 20g marjoram, chamomile 15 g, 20 g and 20 g knotweed corn stigmas. Grass mix and pour a liter of cold water overnight. In the morning, the mixture boil. This decoction should you drink during the day. The first time - fasting, and then one hour after the meal.

Diuretic and disinfectant have the bark and leaves of the black elderberry. As part of the collection can be used diuretic elder flowers. To do this, mix equal parts of birch leaves, nettles, elderberry flowers and thorns. 1 tbsp of the mixture is poured a liter of water, bring to a boil and boil for 10 minutes. on low heat. Cool, strain and take in the morning for 20 minutes. before eating.

Tags: protein treatment, proteinuria