Consider the possible causes of the wounds and cracks on the lips of elimination.
• One of the most common causes leading to the formation of cracks, is drying out the skin on the lips. Try not to lick your lips as saliva evaporates, that actually leads to drying. To avoid this, drink more water. If the cracking of the skin of the lips is still there, you can purchase at the pharmacy antibiotic ointment or wound healing. Make thus, it can be used for mucosal skin. If the lips are dry all the time, and it is not connected with their licks, then you should consult your doctor - perhaps a sign of gastritis or diabetes.
• Another reason for drying and as a result, education sores on the lips can serve as climatic conditions: the intense rays of the sun, cold and wind - all adversely affects the appearance of the lips. To avoid cracking the delicate skin in the summer, use a moisturizing lip balm, moisturizing face cream, almond oil, or oil with vitamin A, E. In winter, give preference to more fat cream or lip balm without content was water. If the skin is cracked lips or they started to peel off, put on lipstick, the use of color. Use wound healing ointments, when going outside, use a fat lip balm at night be sure to use vitamin-enriched oils. Contained in the oil vitamin A (retinol) promotes rapid tightening of wounds, because thanks to him, there is an active growth of the lower layers of the skin.
• Lack of vitamin B6 - another reason why education sores on the lips. Chapped lips, cracks in the corners of the mouth, wrinkles on the upper lip - a sign of a lack of riboflavin. To get rid of these troubles, it is necessary to remedy the lack of vitamin through food. Enter in your diet wholemeal bread, cereals, eggs, beans, green vegetables, dairy products. Well help compresses of cooked apples with a little milk. Pound cooked apples and put a thick layer on the crack. Cloth covered and incubated for 30 minutes, the procedure is repeated daily.
• Sometimes the cause of festering sores on the lips can be a fungus. If no funds do not help, you should consult a doctor in such cases used antifungal agents in the form of ointments or solutions. When buying, make sure that the drug can be used in the treatment of oral mucosa.
• Oddly enough, but the use of poor quality lipstick and expensive lipstick, but expired, resulting in peeling lips and formation of cracks on them. Remember that lipstick has an expiry date, which shall not exceed two years. Upon expiration of get rid of makeup until she hurt you.
• If the wound is on the lips formed after herpes, then all of the above treatment is fine, but only after the treatment manifestations of the disease with medication.