Conjunctivitis: Symptoms and Treatment

Conjunctivitis: Symptoms and Treatment
 If you suffer from dryness in the eyes at the end of the day, you are likely to help washing with water and special drops, so-called "artificial tears". If your slightly reddened from sleep, you may not have enough sleep. But when you notice that the dryness is aggravated, and after a night's rest for centuries formed a crust, it is better to consult a doctor, it can be conjunctivitis. What is this disease and how to cope with it, tell a women's magazine JustLady.  

Conjunctiva - the mucous membrane that lines the front surface of the eye and the back of the century. Its inflammation is called conjunctivitis.
Among all the diseases of the eye, conjunctivitis more than 30% of all cases, and they suffer both adults and children, including newborn babies.

Doctors are several types and forms of conjunctivitis, depending on the causative agent of the disease and its severity.

Conjunctivitis: Symptoms and Treatment

In most cases, doctors have to deal withInfectious conjunctivitisSince this type of disease is very contagious and spreads rapidly in groups (school, kindergarten, office, etc.)

Also thereallergic conjunctivitisCaused by seasonal exacerbation or a direct response to any stimulus.
Another distinction is made between inflammation caused by exposure to harmful chemical and physical factors and those that appeared due to general disease.

We consider the symptoms and treatment of the three main types of diseases that occur most frequently.

Acute conjunctivitis: Symptoms

Most often its cause is an infection (bacteria, viruses). In this case, the disease begins in one eye, and after a time, and proceeds to another. In this case, the eyes become red, watery eyes noted, often purulent character. A sick person feels unpleasant burning and itching in the eyes, which persists after washing.

Acute conjunctivitis: treatment

In this form of the disease is necessary to ensure that the eyes are clean. To do this regularly remove purulent discharge with a cotton swab dipped in liquid disinfectant. Most often it is furatsilina solutions, potassium permanganate, boric acid. Just can help decoctions of herbs (chamomile, sage, cornflower).

Doctor will prescribe antibacterial drops and ointments that you will use during the day and at night to lay.

We must remember thatinfective conjunctivitis quite contagious. Infection can be transmitted by airborne droplets, as well as through shared items (towel, for example).
Not to get infected, you need to comply with the rules cause of hygiene (do not touch your eyes with dirty hands, have a personal towel, try not to contact with sick), and, if a team has a patient with conjunctivitis, useful for the prevention instilled into the eyes Albucidum within 3 days.

If you get sick yourself, do not stop until the pus, in order to avoid re-infection, it should be a daily change of towels and bed linen.

Viral conjunctivitis: Symptoms

Is also very common type of conjunctivitis. At present, doctors found more than three dozen types of viruses that can cause disease. Most often it is the pathogens tonsillitis, pneumonia, and other eye diseases, respiratory diseases.

As in the first case, the disease affects one eye, and a few days later moves to another. Forever and thus swell, redden, his eyes slightly watery. There are muco-purulent discharge. Redness extends to the entire eye, but most of all it is noticeable in the lower crease between the eyelid and the eyeball.

Viral conjunctivitis often accompanied by fever: high fever, enlarged lymph nodes, the process involved the upper respiratory tract.

Viral conjunctivitis: treatment

The doctor will prescribe you drop, ointment and injections of antiviral drugs, depending on the causative agent. Self-medication is best not to engage in, because you do not know exactly which virus has infected your eyes. Your main task - to follow the recommendations of the doctor and keep your eyes clean.

Chronic conjunctivitis: Symptoms

The main cause of this form of conjunctivitis is considered a strong eye strain due to prolonged work in a dimly lit room.
In this case, patients experience a burning sensation, feeling of sand in the eyes, characterized by redness and heaviness of the eyelids. All these symptoms are increasing in the evening and in the morning, patients notice the accumulation of mucus in the corners of his eyes.

Oftenchronic conjunctivitis can be identified only by their own feelings of the patient, as the external examination did not reveal significant changes.

Chronic conjunctivitis: treatment

Treat such conjunctivitis using the drops, lotions treatment of drug solutions. Of the home remedies you can use tea.
In a case where visible isolation Antibiotics and Disinfectants ointment preparations silver.

As with any other type of conjunctivitis should be especially careful to follow the rules of hygiene and wash their hands regularly.

Conjunctivitis in children

Children often suffer from infectious conjunctivitis. In addition, the bodies of the children is quite gentle and reserved is much weaker than in adults. Therefore, the child is not even necessarily in direct contact with the patient, it is enough just to be some time in the same room.
It is also necessary to teach a child to wash their hands and touch smaller eyes.

Symptoms are similar to those observed in adults, but the pain, swelling, may be more pronounced.Conjunctivitis in children can be accompanied by a rise in temperature. Allocation can be transparent, translucent, purulent.
The kid may complain of pain, burning, hiding his eyes from the glare.

Conjunctivitis in children often occurs after infectious diseases, when the body is weakened.
It is important to ensure that in order to prevent the development of chronic infections in the body (tonsillitis, sinusitis), as this may cause chronic conjunctivitis, which, in turn, may end in blurred vision.

There is also the risk of conjunctivitis for newborn babies. In this case, the disease affects the child during passage through the birth canal if the mother had any infectious diseases (gonorrhea, chlamydia, etc.).
That is why it is very important to be tested for the presence of such bacteria during pregnancy, and even better - at the stage of planning.

In any case, at the first sign of the disease is best to consult a doctor, regardless of whether the sick child or an adult.
Self-treatment of eye diseases dangerous to deal with.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: Ambassador, drop, treatment, symptom selection, conjunctivitis