Celandine: application. Treatment of celandine. Tincture of Celandine

Celandine: application. Treatment of celandine. Tincture of Celandine
 Mother Nature is very generous, it endows us all lots of miracles. Only now people are very often simply refuse to notice these miracles, even if they grow them right under your feet. Celandine - the simplest example. Once it naipolezneyshee plant called warthog. It's a name that speaks directly pointed to the fact that for this plant can be used. However, it later turned out that celandine helps our body to get rid not only of corns and warts, but also on a much more serious ailments. And from what it is - its readers tell women's magazine JustLady.

Celandine (aka Warthog) - Herb with branched stems up to one meter. The leaves are green, flowers - small golden yellow, collected in small florets. The plant in all its parts contains a milky juice orange color that leaves a mark on the skin, similar to iodine. It grows in the European part of Russia, Siberia, the Urals, the Caucasus, as well as throughout the city. Where you do not think you will throw - in the garden, among the bushes, fences, ravines, forests, under the fence, along the banks of rivers and lakes, but even in the trash - it grows everywhere miracle plant. In medicine, as folk and official used the roots and juice, as well as above-ground part of the plant.

By rightcelandine can be called the most popular medicinal plants, primarily due to its high prevalence. Celandine - the plant is very unpretentious and nekapriznoe, he only needs moist soil. We are all from childhood familiar with this plant. And what do we know about its medicinal properties?

Our ancestors, unlike us, were far more aware of the beneficial properties of celandine. In people, the plant was used to cleanse the body from warts, corns, acne, pimples and freckles. By the way, the plant, in addition to the warthog, and was nicknamed "Russian ginseng" - so it is valued and respected. Incidentally,celandine was held in high esteem among the ancient Greeks, they gave him a poetic name - "swallow the grass." This name was given to the plant is not in vain: the Greeks noticed that the plant blooms at the same time from the return of swallows and fades - when they fly to distant lands. In books written about the medicinal plants that treat celandine should be cautious because of its toxicity. However, too much to fear is not worth it if monitor the dosage and throughout moderation.

Celandine: application and treatment

What caused such wonderful medicinal properties celandine? Of course, the content of nutrients. Aboveground plant parts contain 2, 3% alkaloids, 3% organic acids, vitamin C, provitamin A, flavonoids, tannins, essential oils and some acids: succinic, malic, citric, helidonovuyu.

Celandine: application. Treatment of celandine. Tincture of Celandine

Celandine: used in homeopathy

Celandine, in addition to traditional medicine, is widely used in homeopathy. Most often, it is recommended for liver disease. Sometimes it is prescribed for gout, pleurisy, pneumonia, headache and dizziness, weakness.

Celandine: treatment broth. Tincture of Celandine

Celandine in folk medicine used to treat gout, rheumatism, skin tuberculosis. Externally it is used to treat eczema, herpes, corns, warts, skin tuberculosis. For this places patients three times a day with fresh juice or smeared with ointment prepared from plants. Broth celandine prepared as follows: dry grass (4 tbsp) cook for 10 minutes over low heat, covered, 8:00 insist, filter. Used in the form of lotions, added to the bath in acne, rashes, ulcers, diathesis, herpes. Infected ulcers and wounds washed with the decoction is applied to them crushed leaves or treated with powder made from dried leaves.

Tincture of Celandine is made as follows: 500 ml of boiling water pour 1 tablespoon of herbs celandine, 4:00 insist, filter.Tincture of Celandine used 4 times a day for 100 ml as a diuretic, to improve digestion, with worms, haemorrhoids.

Celandine: application. Treatment of celandine. Tincture of Celandine

Celandine: treatment ointment

Mix the powder of dry grass or fresh juice of the plant with vaseline (1 to 4). Apply the ointment for the treatment of skin diseases, removal of freckles, corns, warts.

Celandine great help in the treatment of psoriasis. For this plant to collect fall when it gives the seed pods, which are then solidified. You need to cut the bush, peel and mince. Please note that the wash plant is not necessary. The resulting mixture should be folded into an enamel bowl and a day in the refrigerator. The next day, the juice squeezed and mixed with 100 g of vodka (50 g alcohol). The resulting preparation wipe psoriatic place. When they first blush, do not be afraid of this reaction - this is normal. The preparation should be stored in a dark bottle in the refrigerator.

Celandine great help to cope with acne. Journal JustLady advises its readers suffering from the scourge make bath with celandine. To do this, you need to shoots of celandine finely chop, pour vodka and leave to infuse in a dark place for a month. Add 1-2 cups of infusion bath.

Maybe now that you've learned from the magazine JustLady a lot of interesting and useful things about this remarkable plant, overgrown with weeds significantly poredeyut. Just remember that the plant should be collected as far as possible from the road transport. Pay attention to contraindications: celandine is not recommended for people suffering from asthma, epilepsy, neurological diseases. In addition, it is important to monitor the dosage.

We told you all about the most important celandine - use it to your health!

Alice Terentyeva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: vodka, liqueur, property, treatment, celandine, broth, use, medicine, paraproctitis