8 reasons to constant fatigue

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 Apathy and fatigue at the end of the day - it is a natural and normal. And in order to get back to normal, a person simply need to sleep. But if you rest does not help, you should consult your doctor. There are several common causes of fatigue, some of them can be solved independently, but some need to attract specialist.

The first and most common reason may be lack of vitamin B12. This vitamin helps the function and red blood nerve cells. Red cells are involved in the transport of oxygen to the tissues, without your body will not be able to process received nutrients into energy. That is why you are experiencing weakness.

Vitamin deficiency can be detected in a simple blood test. If the result is positive, then you need to eat more meat, dairy products, fish and eggs.

The second reason may be lack of vitamin D. This vitamin is unique because it is produced only on their own body. But this requires at least 30 minutes in the sun each day. Deficiency of this vitamin often leads to high blood pressure, heart problems, some cancers and neurological disorders.

The level of vitamin D is determined by a blood test. It can make up by eating fish, liver and eggs. Solar baths are also needed. To get rid of fatigue, it is enough to spend at least ten minutes a day in the fresh air.

The third cause of fatigue may be receiving various medications. Always read the label to all the medicines you are taking. In the side-effects can be specified apathy, fatigue and weakness. On medication every person reacts differently. The form of the drug and the brand is very important. You need to ask your doctor to prescribe another drug. It is possible that a change of medication will get you back into shape.

Uncommon cause of fatigue, such as the failure of the thyroid gland. Thyroid problems can manifest themselves in differences of weight, fever, menstrual irregularities and dry skin. If the disease is running, it can lead to heart disease, joint disease and infertility. According to statistics, about eighty percent of patients - women. In this case you need to refer to an endocrinologist, and then it determines the extent to intensive treatment you need.

The fifth reason - it is depression. Frequent companions of depression - is a weakness. This scourge affects about twenty percent of the population of the entire planet. If you do not want to go to a psychologist and take pills, you should actively work out. Any exercise is good antidepressants.

The sixth reason - the problem of the bowel. If you sat on the week bread, biscuits, pizza and pasta, then start bloating, constant discomfort in the joints, diarrhea and constant fatigue. Your body begins to react to the lack of nutrients, which are due to the inability of the intestines to absorb them can not get. To confirm the diagnosis, you can, after a few tests. Also make sure that your fatigue is really associated with the intestines, you may need endoscopic examination. If the answers are positive, then you need to get serious about your diet.

The seventh reason - heart problems. People who have suffered a stroke or heart attack, often complain of constant fatigue and sudden onset of weakness. If you develop other symptoms of heart disease, such as shortness of breath, loss of appetite, occasional sharp pains in the chest, then you should consult a cardiologist. Necessary to carry out several surveys, namely heart ultrasound, ECG, echocardiography. Treatment will depend directly on the results. For the prevention of heart disease, use low-fat diet or enjoy a light exercise.

Finally, the eighth reason - is diabetes. In this disease there are two ways you wear down. The first - this when the blood sugar level is fairly high. The second problem - a strong thirst. If you drink a lot, several times the night can wake up "out of necessity", respectively, neither of which healthy sleep can not be considered. If you suspect this disease in itself, then turn in blood sugar. In the case of a positive result always check your blood sugar levels on a diet, exercise and taking medications that your doctor orders.

Tags: fatigue, constant cause weakness