Folk remedies for headaches

Folk remedies for headaches
 Headache - throbbing and aching, pressing and monotonous ... More than 40% of the world population suffer from this disease. Causes of headaches can be very different - from emotional tension to arterial disease and oncology focus. But if the pain does not bother you constantly and are not protracted, you can get rid of them simple but effective way, without pills and strong painkillers. Headache treatment of folk remedies - this today will tell a women's magazine JustLady.

Smile against stress

Headache unsettling, prevents us from work and relax, does not normally fall asleep. Health depends on the psycho-emotional mood and on our ability to look at all the adversity constructively. Many problems can be solved, it is necessary only to apply to this effort, and, therefore, excessive dramatization of what is happening, not even very pleasant, events, absolutely not necessary and only hinders us to objectively assess the situation. Worry, anxiety and stress lead to involuntary muscle contraction, which results in irritation of nerve endings and, as a consequence - the body responds to our worries and fears pain.Folk remedies for headachesInduced mood disorder, are primarily stimulatory and soothing.

Lemon liqueur - Tonica folk remedy for headache. Take 2 lemons and pass them through a meat grinder with 2 cloves of garlic. Pour the resulting mass liter of cool boiled water and let stand for 3-4 days. Strain the infusion, place in the refrigerator and take on an empty stomach 50 grams each morning. Lemon tones and invigorates, garlic relieves spasms, normalizes cardiovascular activity. A vitamin C activates the body's reserves, helping to deal with a bad mood and stress.

Soothing collection. Mix a teaspoon of dried herbs valerian, mint, oregano and St. John's wort, pour boiling water (200 ml). Add a spoonful of honey and take this sweet tea every day before going to bed. Valerian soothes nerves, mint and oregano have antispasmodic effect on the blood vessels of the brain, St. John's wort stimulates the removal of toxins. Honey - an excellent natural bio-stimulator, moreover, raises the level of glucose in the blood, removing dizziness and a feeling of tightness.

Cabbage compress -a folk remedy for headacheRestores normal blood circulation. Mince 2-3 cabbage leaves. Spread the resulting mass on gauze or cotton cloth and apply to the fronto-temporal region. Lie down with closed eyes for 30-40 minutes in a well-ventilated area, remove the wrap and have a cup of hot green tea with lemon and honey.

Migraine - folk remedies for headaches

Fairly common disease that occurs as a result of circulatory disorders of the brain. May occur at any time of day or night as a response to stress, bad weather, PMS. Throbbing pain, which covers one side of the head, often accompanied by nausea and dizziness. When such characterheadaches, treatment of folk remedies gives excellent results.

Lavender tea. Lavender flowers (dried or fresh), pour boiling water (1 tablespoon per cup), add to taste a little mint or lemon balm. Drink a day at bedtime sips.

Massage with essential oils. Wetting fingertips essential oil of lavender, rosemary or mint, carefully massage the forehead, temples and neck area. Particular attention is paid to the point at which hurts to press.

Onion poultice - Provena folk remedy for headache. Grate half onion, mix with a teaspoon of any vegetable oil. Dampen a resulting slurry gauze, apply on the forehead and lie down with the compress for 15-20 minutes. Volatile contained in onions, not only kill bacteria, they are a kind of analgesic to relieve the pain syndromes.

To prevent any kind of headaches and migraine prophylaxis drink every day on an empty stomach a glass of whey or buttermilk. Helps and potato juice: a quarter cup 2 times a day, drink for 10 days.

Headache for colds, treatment of folk remedies

Headache may occur as a reaction to intoxication and fever. This happens usually, and acute respiratory viral diseases. Is there afolk remedies for this kind of headache? The very first thing you must colds - plenty hot drink (lemon, raspberry, cranberry, honey). It displays the body of toxins, relieve inflammation and lower the body temperature. And, then, will help get rid of the pain.

Herbal tea - Effectivea folk remedy for headacheCaused by a cold. Pour a teaspoon of cinnamon powder 100 grams of hot boiled water, let stand 30 minutes. Drink two tablespoons every hour. From the same infusion make gadgets on the forehead and temples.

Massage for colds. KFolk remedies for headaches refers mentha oil. It will remove the pain and help to cope with a cold at the beginning of the disease. Lubricate menthol oil temples, forehead, neck and behind the ears. At elevated temperatures, menthol oil can be replaced gruel of grated lemon peel with.

 Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady

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