Medicinal properties of fungus

Medicinal properties of fungus
 On the healing properties of fungus go wildest rumors. They say that it is even able to cure cancer almost at any stage and in general perform miracles. But is it? Women's magazine JustLady found many scientific and pseudo-scientific data about the amazing mushrooms. Let's try to find out what is Chaga - a magical cure-all or prolonged scam.

In fact, for the scam weird - strange mushroom known to people since time immemorial. More Vikings knew aboutthe therapeutic properties of fungus. And they understood something in mushrooms! Warriors Berserker, for example, were treated before the battle amanita and destroy enemies right and left, feeling no pain, no fatigue - but, though not for long ... Chaga as the Vikings used it quite often for medicinal purposes. Treated her powder minor wounds and burns, reduced broth force. That is used exactly like a modern folk medicine.

And if some Vikings! Shamans of Siberia and Russia healers have long been considered the best remedy chaga almost with any disease. Not only that - argue that it treats energy. Like, every outgrowth on a tree connected to all the trees of the forest, and the forest transmits its power to the patient.

Medicinal properties of fungus esteemed Greek botanist Dioscorides. Great Avicenna appointed chaga not only an upset stomach, but, like the Vikings, with doctoring of wounds and burns. What can we say about the Tibetan healers! They put the magic mushroom immediately after ginseng and Chinese magnolia vine. Consequently, the use of fungus has quite an extensive geography and the strong historical roots. Hardly useless mushroom prized for many thousands of years!

Medicinal properties of fungus

But what is Chaga? It's really a mushroom - Polypore-parasite that settles on the trunks of trees. In medicine it is used mainly Chaga, who lives on the birches. Large, with the head of an adult weighing up to six pounds, it takes a tree almost at the root. The surface of fungus in the dark, almost black, covered with shallow part of the crack and very firm. A mushroom log cabins, you will know what is inside it is much more mild. Corechagi healing properties does not have and is not going. It is removed, the fungus is divided into pieces and dried in shade.

For the preparation of a medicament dried mushrooms soaked in clean water, then rub on a grater or scroll through a meat grinder. But it is easier, of course, the Vikings upgrade method that chaga pounded. Do any readers of women's magazine JustLady there on the farm grinder or processor. Medicinal properties of fungus from such treatment does not change, and the raw materials for infusion or decoction in the hands of a hassle.

Note that the name "broth" - a very relative. Boil chaga is not recommended. Just brew shredded mushroom rate of one to five, and allow to stand for a couple of hours. Decoction can be drunk instead of compote, add coffee and tea or mixed with decoction of chamomile, rose hips, black currant leaves. Obtained and delicious, no doubt, useful vitamin drinks.Medicinal properties of fungus they appear wonderful. If you drink a decoction three times a day before meals - he completely replace the vitamins, so fashionable nowadays. And yet - improve digestion, help cure inflammation in the mouth and raise the tone. There are fans of chaga insist on vodka. According to their assurances tincture perfectly acts as an antidepressant. But then, as they say, to each his own!

Women's magazine JustLady is pleased to offer you a recipe for a bracing bath. Mix in equal parts of fungus teas, chamomile and succession, strain and pour into the tub. Suffice liters - and you're good night's sleep, and the next day you will certainly be in a good mood.

Amazingly,medicinal properties of fungus denies and traditional medicine. Pharmacies can be found and shredded mushroom, and ready to extract - drug "Befungin." His doctors prescribe to patients with gastritis and gastric ulcers. Extract and tincture of fungus facilitates and skin eczema, psoriasis, inflammation of the mucous. There is an opinion about the usefulness of fungus in oncology. Unfortunately, there is no evidence of modern medical information about treatment of cancer by any means, including chaga. However, has long been noted that the percentage of cancer is much lower in the villages where chaga drink tea instead. And one of the chronicles of ancient Russia reads like Vladimir Monomakh rid of lip cancer just infusion of fungus. Only who now will be able to check the legend?

Medicinal properties of fungus is difficult to deny, but science does not believe a word! Scientists tend to be decomposed into atoms everything and Chaga not dodged this fate. As it turned out, the ashes of fungus contains the same minerals as the modern vitamin complexes. In freshly chaga present significant quantities of organic acids of ballast substances and pigment. Empirically established: chagi drugs stimulate the nervous system, increase activity, as if inhaling the fresh forces into the body. And it was the strength and necessary when a person recovering from an illness or just tired. That's when medicinal properties of fungus really on top!

Women's magazine JustLady does not insist on the reliability of the miracles attributed to chaga. Agree completely cure any illness can not afford no remedy. But, to use the wonderful mushroom, of course, you can.Medicinal properties of fungus obvious and disease prevention, and stimulate the immune system, and even more so as a part of vitamin drinks. At least not bring harm Chaga. And if only improve your mood and raise the overall tone - her honor and praise!

 Elena Afanasyeva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: use, properties, application, befungin