How to treat ulcers on the tongue

How to treat ulcers on the tongue
 Language - is the body, which can be called a kind of indicator of human health. In the language regularly accumulate food debris and plaque that promotes rapid growth of bacteria, and sometimes fungi. Rather unpleasant disease are sores that may appear on the entire surface of the tongue, but more likely to occur on the edges.
 There are several causes painful sores, including fungal disease, infection, vitamin deficiency and side effects of some medications. Aphthous ulcers occur when and viral stomatitis, dental defects, deficiency of riboflavin (vitamin B2), pyridoxine (B6), scurvy. The appearance of ulcers in young children is often caused by frequent mouth breathing.

Sores in viral or aphthous stomatitis are treated by regular mouthwash. You can apply the tincture of calendula. For its preparation 10 g of flowers pour boiling water in an amount of one cup and a little wait in line (to cool down). In pharmacies sell ready calendula tincture, which teaspoon diluted in a glass of water (warm). Rinse should be carried out four or five times a day. A similar effect has propolis and potassium permanganate (weak solution). Propolis tincture good handle sores, and the propolis to chew.

When the appearance of canker sores stomatitis not only the language, but also throughout the oral mucosa, sometimes enough alone rinses. Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics, sulfonamides, and corticosteroids. From folk remedies to treat stomatitis rinses long been successfully used decoctions flax, burnet drug, sea buckthorn, strong tea, chicken protein. At the same time appointed antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs.

In children, the appearance of ulcers caused by various dental defects: malocclusion, caries, sharp edges of broken teeth. Therefore, it is necessary for the prevention of at least twice a year to show the child the dentist, even if any problems with the teeth he has not.

The occurrence of ulcers with vitamin deficiency must be addressed complex methods, but the main thing - to fill the need of the organism (especially children) in B vitamins, as well as C and R. It should pay attention to the full and proper nutrition, but pre-determine which ones do not have enough vitamins to the body. The diet must include liver, beans, bran, dairy products, cereals, fish. Strengthening the immune system and maintaining it at a level - a mandatory measure for all kinds of problems with the appearance of oral ulcers on the tongue.

Tags: language, ulcers, treatment, hygiene, cavity, sore