The main treatment for throat during lactation are rinsing. Topically acting active components of the solution do not penetrate substantially into the blood and breast milk mother, so this therapeutic method is effective and safe.
Very effective gargle with salt water. The most effective, of course, the sea, but few have the home of her reserves. To prepare the solution with a similar composition in a glass of warm water should pour a teaspoon of salt and 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda. The resulting liquid should be thoroughly mixed, then add 2 drops of iodine. Type in your mouth a small amount of salt water gargle and spit. Repeat until the water in the cup end. All the resulting solution should be used in a single procedure, so every time will have to prepare a new liquid. Rinsing is carried out every two hours.
Not less effective rinsing furatsilinom. You can use ready-made pharmaceutical solution, but you can do it yourself. Furatsilin is poorly soluble in water, so you must first crush the tablet. One glass of water requires 2 tablets. Rinse should be carried out every 2-2, 5 hours.
To consolidate the effect lubricate mucous pharynx Lugol. Do this procedure 2-3 times per day.