How to remove the vascular mesh on the legs

How to remove the vascular mesh on the legs
 Vascular grid on the legs occurs due to the expansion of capillaries and small arteries. If you do not start treatment on time, this cosmetic defect, can develop into a serious disease.
 If you often get the feeling of heaviness in the legs, from time to time there are tingling pain, and skin appeared vascular "stars", you should consult your doctor. If you ignore the first symptoms of vascular disease in the legs, then over time it may go into severe form amenable to surgical treatment only. The causes of vascular network can become overweight, lack of exercise, smoking, flat, heredity and pregnancy.

Get rid of the vascular network is also possible in the home with the help of some of the procedures and compliance with a healthy lifestyle. Try to move more to activate the blood flow in the vessels. More you walk, run, engage in skiing, cycling and rollerblading. To strengthen the calf muscles and relieve tension follow, the following exercise: go up on his toes a couple of inches above the floor and slumped on his heels. Repeat this movement 60 times. This exercise should be done 3-5 times a day.

To maintain a toned walls of blood vessels in the legs, you can use folk remedies. Make bedtime warm foot bath with marjoram. From pain in the legs well help deep foot baths (knee) of oak bark decoction of up to half an hour. Tablespoon crushed hop cones, pour a glass of boiling water and allow to stand for several hours. The resulting infusion strengthens the walls of blood vessels, it is recommended to drink a few sips before meals.

To prevent the emergence of new "stars", try not to stay too long in one position, sitting or standing. Do not sit down, pursing his legs. Limit your intake of sugary foods and foods containing cholesterol. Try less likely to wear uncomfortable shoes with high heels. If your legs are tired after a hard day, lie down for a while, lifting the foot using a pillow or a sofa cushion. To remove the feeling of heaviness in the legs, you can use special creams and gels that are sold in pharmacies in a wide range.

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