How to make a poultice of vodka

How to make a poultice of vodka
 Poluspirtovoy compress good that heats the effect has no burning wherein the skin even after a prolonged contact with it, in contrast to compress alcohol. It helps to quench the pain and reduce inflammation. The main thing - to know exactly if not contraindicated compress with a particular disease, and how it will affect the course of the disease at different stages.
 Vodka compress should be done only after consulting your doctor or recommendations. This is associated with the risk of worsening the disease. Whether provoke aggravation compress existing disease or not, can be solved only by a doctor. You can not do to put vodka compress bronchitis, pleurisy, purulent otitis, cancer. Skin diseases such as eczema, ringworm, erysipelas, carbuncles and boils are contraindications to the use of vodka compress. Give him also in the presence of the skin abrasions, scratches and pustules.

Compress consists of three layers. The first is soaked in a solution of vodka and how should wrung cloth. Its size must be a little more painful zone. Compress the second layer must be impermeable. Typically, this layer using wax paper, plastic wrap or oilcloth. The coating should extend beyond the previous layer and a half - two centimeters. The third layer is used for warming and creating hurdles heat transfer. Can be used as the material warms woolen cloth, cotton or terry towel. This layer should be sufficiently wide and thick. Fixed wrap a scarf, a large handkerchief or towel.

Vodka compress helps in the fight against the horned on their heels. Dissolve a tablespoon of salt per liter of water and soak in a solution of both legs. After the salt bath dry your feet dry and attach to the heels cloth soaked in vodka. Then cover it with plastic wrap and put on top of woolen socks. Compress to do at night.

Hot compress will be appropriate for the treatment of inflamed joint a few days after injury, inflammation of the larynx and pharynx, infiltrates, followed after injection and thrombophlebitis of the limbs.

Special attention deserves compress, which is applied for the treatment of otitis media. Be sure to lubricate delicate skin around the ear with Vaseline or cream. Folded in four broad bandage and put the notch in the middle ear to ensure a sufficient size to make holes. Dampen a bandage in vodka and put on the ear by inserting a slit ear. Cover with wax paper, and then - a thick layer of cotton wool. Tie and hold a few hours. Remove the wrap before bed and every time for the first layer, use a fresh bandage.

Tags: vodka, bronchitis, compress