How to get rid of weight in the stomach

How to get rid of weight in the stomach
 If you often suffer from a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, which is accompanied by heartburn, bloating, nausea and belching, you should visit a doctor-gastroenterologist. In these circumstances, heaviness in the stomach is one of the symptoms of gastrointestinal disease, treatment of which should be handled by experts. But if the feeling of heaviness in the stomach bothers you from time to time, most likely, the reason is the usual overeating or abuse oily and heavy food. In this case, the following measures will help you.
 To quickly and effectively get rid of stomach discomfort, please improve digestion enzyme preparations. The most famous of these drugs are "Mezim", "Festal," "enzistal", "Pancreatin". Tablets should not be abused because of habituation may stop stomach to produce its own digestive enzymes.

You can also try to use folk remedies that help to cope with the weight of the stomach after eating. The simplest and most effective of these is the infusion of herbs yarrow. It not only helps to reduce the feeling of fullness in the stomach, but also relieves colic and heartburn. To prepare pour 1 teaspoon with the top dry grass Yarrow 200 ml of boiling water. After 1 minute, strain the infusion, a little cool it and drink.

Eliminate heaviness in the stomach and can be with a conventional yogurt. The use of this fermented milk drink facilitates digestion and eliminates heartburn. By the way, your digestion will improve, if you have forged a useful habit - will regularly drink a cup of yogurt for half an hour before a meal. It is best to drink kefir, further enrichment of Lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacteria.

We must remember that this method of getting rid of heaviness in the stomach is suitable mainly for healthy people. In the presence of gastrointestinal diseases the use of yogurt has limitations. For example, people suffering from gastritis with high acidity, peptic ulcer disease and pancreatitis, it is better to remove this fermented milk drink from the diet. Gastritis with low acidity and colitis, accompanied by diarrhea, can drink strong yogurt (aged more than 3 days), and colitis, accompanied by constipation - a one-day kefir.

In order not to suffer from heaviness in the stomach, it is best not to bring themselves up to this status. To this end, organize split meals, chew, exclude from the diet of fatty, fried, spicy food, alcohol and carbonated drinks, and normalize the nervous system.

Tags: food, Ambassador, abdomen, stomach, feeling heaviness sensation