Before deciding on the method of struggle with asterisks, need to consult a gynecologist, endocrinologist and phlebologist. And we must remember that, without eliminating the cause of the vascular network, do not expect long-term results of treatment.
Treatments can be both home and clinical.
For the home environment suitable Zalmanova turpentine baths, special exercises to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, a contrast shower.
Medical centers can offer treatments like mikroskleroterapiya, laser removal of vascular networks, Elos coagulation.
When mikroskleroterapii vessels in the subcutaneous injected sclerosant special preparation, which glues the vessel. The procedure lasts 30-90 minutes, it all depends on the area in need of treatment. After the procedure, you need compression stockings. The final disappearance of vascular network may take up to three months.
When a laser beam removal of stars affects hemoglobin, transmitting the stored energy vessels that disappear. Usually this method is used when you want to remove the vascular network in places where it is impossible to use mikroskleroterapiyu and compression (face, neck, back). After this procedure may remain scars or burns.
When Elos bipolar coagulation using high-frequency electric current that solder capillaries.
All of the above procedure is cosmetic methods of struggle, they do not guarantee that the vascular grid disappears forever. Therefore it is necessary to pay attention to prevention: wearing compression hosiery, not peretruzhdat legs (not to stand for a long time, do not wear high heels), avoid prolonged exposure to tanning beds and active solar rays.