Folk remedies for coughs and bronchitis. Traditional recipes: the treatment of cough, treatment of throat, dry cough

 In order to understand what are the most effective tools, recipes cough should be chosen, it is necessary to begin to deal with the fact that it is a cough. Cough - a kind of protective reflex, which reduces airway, that is a defensive reaction of the human body, which is aimed at removing dust, bronchial secretions, foreign particles from the respiratory tract.

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Cough can be triggered by a variety of reasons. For example, it may be caused by an allergic reaction to a particular object, the component - pollens, odor, dust and so forth. To allergic cough is not turned into a bronchial asthma should try to avoid possible allergens. In addition, often a cough can be caused by acute respiratory infection. In the most severe cases, there may be a possibility that the cough provoked diseases such as tuberculosis, lung cancer, bacterial pneumonia. And that's why, before you opt for the most optimalrecipes for cough, You must see a doctor to determine the cause and that this caused the cough.

However, in most cases, a definite diagnosis can communicate with doctors and finish (of course, if it is not a complex or serious illness), and benefit from the experience and wisdom of our ancestors and performcough treatment folk remedies.

Natural wealth - folk remedies for cough

Nature gave to mankind an enormous wealth of flora, which, if desired, can only be used to their advantage.

Thus, asFolk remedies for coughVery effective, among other things, often use black radish, more precisely, its juice. So, radish do small indentation on the bottom knife and put a teaspoon of honey, then put radishes in a warm place. After the recess filled with juice, you need to drink it. Repeat the procedure 4 times a day until complete recovery. If you can not drink the juice, because it will be too bitter, you can dilute it with warm tea. Intolerance organism honey, honey sugar substitute.

Folk remedies for coughs and bronchitis. Traditional recipes: the treatment of cough, treatment of throat, dry cough

Also very populartreatment of throat folk remedies, Infusions of herbs. Depending on severity of the disease, the type of cough should select a specific group of plants.

So, bronchitis should pay attention to the teas of oregano, thyme, thyme, essential oils, which have expectorant and anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory. Can be carried outtreatment of throat these folk remedies with angina.

Atdry cough folk remedies can also be of great help. For example, a mother and stepmother since ancient times was considered a grass broth which is able to completely rid a person of dry cough. Coltsfoot coats the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, thereby protecting them from irritation, moreover, it has a spasmolytic effect and antimicrobial.

Also, when a dry cough can be prepared (or purchased at the pharmacy) syrup of licorice root. Licorice contains substances which help remove mucus from the respiratory tract, and, moreover, stimulate mucous secretion airway possess anti-inflammatory action.

And, of course, do not forget the most ancienta folk remedy for cough - Milk. Patients should drink a glass of hot milk with raisins, which is soaked in warm water (three times a day). At night, drink 200 ml of hot milk, which should be boiled before use with seeds of dill or fennel. You can mix the milk with fennel tea.

Recipes cough

When dry cough and hoarseness should boil a dozen dates in a pint of water for half an hour. Decoction should be drunk while it is still hot.

Remove episodes of severe coughing helps fir oil. Oil in its pure form Bury the root of the tongue in the morning and evening for 5-10 drops.

Greatprescription cough for finicky kids who refuse to drink the bitter or tasteless medicine, tinctures, decoctions - chocolate medicated oil. We need to take 100 grams of chocolate, as much butter, lard 3-4 tablespoons, 3 tablespoons cocoa powder The fat and oil need to melt the low heat, then add the milled cocoa and chocolate. The mixture was mixed well and cool. This oil can be spread bread and give the child 3-4 times during the day. Well, if you drink a treat your child will be warm milk with a pinch of baking soda added there.

Lemon juice with honey lemon small size should add water and simmer on low heat for about 10 minutes, cool, cut in half and squeeze the juice. It is necessary to add the lemon juice glycerol for internal use 2 tablespoons and cups to the brim pour honey, mix well. If the cough is frequent and strong mixture take before meals three times a day for 2 tsp, and another portion of the night. If the cough is dry, the mixture is taken before and after meals and at bedtime for 1 tsp Suchprescription cough fit and young children from one year - 1 tsp 3 times a day before meals and at night - tasty, safe, effective.

For infantscough folk remedies perfect for the following recipe: Mix a pinch of salt, a teaspoon of honey, 2 tablespoons anise seeds, pour a mixture of water (1 tbsp.), bring to a boil, then strain the mixture. Every two hours, let the baby one teaspoon. As soon as the cough begins to subside should reduce the dose. Is contraindicated in children who suffer diathesis.


In the preparation of herbal teas and decoctions sure that the dishes were covered with a lid, and should not be a long time to boil the broth. Essential oils have the ability to easily evaporate.

Among the most effective methodscough folk remedies You can select a pile of collection - collection of herbs, decoction of which will help bring phlegm, and, in addition, will have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect on the processes occurring in the bronchi and lungs.

And So,prescription cough thoracic collection: equal parts licorice, thyme, lime, oregano, mother and stepmother, peppermint, pine buds, plantain, lungwort and calendula. Two tablespoons a mixture of chopped herbs to pour half a liter of boiling water, 1, 5 hours in a warm place. After that, the broth should strain and drink 150 ml of a half-hour before meals 3-4 times a day. This collection is absolutely safe for both adult and child.

That's interesting

Folk remedies for cough in the form of herbs are good that you will be able to combine them, achieving your desired effect. When this can be donecough treatment folk remedies in conjunction with drug therapy. These fees are not only absolutely safe for children, but also have a pleasant smell and taste that will help to transform the treatment of throat folk remedies almost a pleasure.

In the recent time spent overseas research on the study of various drugs for cough in the pharmacy market. The results are disappointing - about 15 names of all the different drugs effective give a good result. But even in these preparations 15 lose most casesFolk remedies for cough.

 Julia Ivanova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: throat, cough, seeds, milk, bronchitis, dill, glycerin, grass, adult, sputum, prescription, treatment, medication, withdrawal, child, drug, bronchus