Excess of vitamins in the body

Everyone knows the important role of vitamins in the normal functioning of the human body. In the press and on the internet sites you can find plenty of tables showing which foods are rich in some vitamins. Medical articles frightening consequences of lack of nutrients and explain the importance of taking special complexes. And we, enlightened and enriched with knowledge, start taking vitamins without an account, supporting their action healthy drinks and food. And few of us think about what might happen if these oversaturate the organism is extremely useful substances.

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Today women's magazine tells about JustLadyexcess vitamins in the bodyand its consequences.

It is known that all the vitamins are divided into fat-soluble and water-soluble. K are fat-soluble vitamins A, D, K, E and F. All other substances and acids constitute a group of water soluble vitamins.

Fat-soluble vitamins are able to accumulate in liver and adipose tissue of the human body, therefore, the most common vitamin excess of this group. The most severe effects are observed atexcess in the body of vitaminsA and D.

Excess of vitamins in the body

Excess of vitamins in the bodydistinguish two types: acute and chronic.
Acute hypervitaminosis (excess of vitamins in the body) occurs at single large dose of vitamin poisoning. The chronic form develops with regular and prolonged use of vitamins in quantities exceeding the required need. In some cases, hypervitaminosis may occur if you have a hypersensitivity to the substance.

Symptoms excess vitamins in the body

Vitamin A
This vitamin we obtain from an animal (retinol), and the vegetables and fruits (carotene), and a third intake should be at the retinol and carotene to two thirds. The daily requirement of this vitamin for an adult is about 1 mg of retinol or 6 mg carotene, when it comes to vitamin supplements.

An excess of vitamin A in the bodycan occur with frequent use of writing in the liver of polar animals and birds, as well as the excessive administration of drugs containing vitamin A.

In acute hypervitaminosis symptoms appear within the first hours after administration of a high dose. It is characterized by nausea, vomiting, headache and dizziness, and sometimes loss of consciousness and convulsions. On the second day of the rash, which gradually turns into peeling.

Chronicexcess vitamin in the bodycan develop from a month to a year and is expressed in a gradual increase of anxiety, excessive irritability, insomnia. Also observed violations of the urinary tract and kidney disease, loss, brittle and dry hair, nosebleeds, swelling, cracks on the lips, excessive sweating.

With an excess of vitamin A should be limited to the use of products containing this substance and add to the diet of vitamin C.

Vitamin D

The daily requirement is about 25 mg for an adult.

Excess vitamin in the bodyoften occurs when excess doses of alcohol solution of vitamin D. Symptoms of acute hypervitaminosis appear in the first day or within one to two weeks after administration of high doses of the drug. Chronic excess vitamin in the body makes itself felt in about 4-6 weeks.

Symptoms of excess vitamin D is a loss of appetite, weakness, increased temperature and pressure, indigestion and of the gastrointestinal tract, muscle aches, and headaches.

Vitamin K

The daily requirement for an adult - 20 mg. Atexcess of vitamin K in the bodydevelops a tendency to thrombosis.

Vitamins E and F

Daily intake of vitamin E - 15 mg for vitamin F norm is not established yet. The excess in the body of these vitamins is not toxic, damage to health by hypervitaminosis not revealed.

As has already been said, mostly accumulated fat-soluble vitamins, water soluble because excreted liquid, and accordingly, their drawback is more frequent. Nevertheless, there may be casesexcess in the body of vitaminsand this group.

Vitamin B1

The daily dose of 1, 2-2, 6 mg for men and 1, 1 1, 9 mg for women.
Symptoms of excess vitamin in the body: the disruption of the liver and kidneys, fatty liver.

Vitamin B4

Daily requirement - 0, 5-1 mg.Excess vitamin in the bodycan be identified by the following symptoms: loss of pressure, excessive salivation, activation of intestinal motility, inhibition activity of the heart.

Vitamin B6

The daily rate is 1, 4-3 mg for men, 1, 3-2 mg for women.
Symptoms of hypervitaminosis: allergic reactions, the blood circulation in the limbs.

Vitamin B9

Daily requirement - 0, 2 mg.
With an excess of folic acid in the body there is a tendency to allergic reactions, renal function impairment, irritability.

Vitamin B 12

Daily rate - 3 mg.
Symptoms of excess vitamin in the body: Irritability, increased blood clotting, allergies.

Vitamin C

The daily dose - 60-90 mg for men, 60-80 mg for women.
In hypervitaminosis marked disruption of the kidney, liver, pancreas, kidney stones, a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, disorders of calcium metabolism and absorption of B vitamins, cardiac disorder, sleep disorders, and central nervous system functions.

Vitamin PP, B3

The daily requirement for nicotinic acid is 15-28 mg for men and 12-20 mg for women. In hypervitaminosis found fatty liver, malabsorption of vitamin B1. As treatment can be applied folic acid and vitamin B12.

All other water-soluble vitamins at an overabundance no toxic effects on the body.

The daily dose is given in terms of healthy adult humans. In diseases of special conditions (pregnancy, lactation), childhood and old age receiving doses of vitamins and their list is discussed with the doctor.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags:body, acid, allergies, alcohol, picture, vitamin, a symptom of excess, hypervitaminosis