Echinacea tincture

Echinacea tincture
 The fact that during the cold season you need to dress warmly we know, and no one would ever think to jump on snow in a T-shirt and sneakers. However, to protect themselves from the cold this is quite insufficient. Even healthy and fit body at this time requires support in the form of vitamins and special nutritional supplements that stimulate the immune system. On one of these tools today tell a women's magazine JustLady. It's called echinacea tincture.

Echinacea plant appeared and was fairly widespread, as a drug for a long time. Historians speculate that it was brought to Europe the Spanish explorers plied the seas and oceans in search of new lands and passing trades counter looting ships and Aboriginal sites.

As you know, seafarers themselves were exposed to many dangers and diseases, and the ship's doctor applied a lot of effort to keep the crew in full before the end of the voyage. It is these unknown doctors, according to the researchers, first drew attention to the healing properties of echinacea.

Now it is well understood, it is used in medicine and cosmetics, pharmacy and home cooked preparations. What is so remarkable echinacea?

Echinacea tincture

Echinacea: chemical composition

The first explorers were amazed Echinacea huge amount of substances contained in the plant. Also, they have found it necessary to our organism such elements such as zinc, magnesium, molybdenum, copper, silver, calcium, iron and selenium., Aluminum and potassium.

The roots of the plant are rich in vegetable oils, polysaccharides, betaine, linoleic, palmitovoy, citron acids. Flowers contain essential oils.

All these ingredients make echinacea this little pharmacy. Of plants prepared broths, powders, extracts, added to the means to care for skin and hair, preparing alcohol tinctures.

Echinacea Tincture: application

Alcohol tincture of EchinaceaWhich can be bought at the pharmacy has all the useful qualities of the plant itself. First of all, this is a great way to strengthen and maintain the immune system. That is why doctors advise taking the drug during the cold season.

But even if you are already sick, receiving infusions drugs will not be superfluous - it will help to quickly deal illness and it is easier to move. Sameechinacea tincture has anti-allergic properties, neutralizes bacteria and viruses, fights fungal infections, herpes, streptococcus.

The drug can be used externally for purulent inflammations, burns, bedsores. However, it also has some analgesic effect. Echinacea (tincture) has a healing effect in venous ulcers, eczema, wounds.

Echinacea preparations recommended during illness, treatment is accompanied by effects on the body of harmful factors (UV radiation, chemotherapy, radiation, antibiotic), as it is a powerful blood purifier. For the same reason echinacea recognized a very powerful tool for the treatment of liver diseases.

It is also useful to take her to clean up heavy metals, harmful environmental effects, as support for the body during adaptation to different climates.

Echinacea (tincture) stimulates the adrenal glands, thereby regulating the production of hormones. When the pain in the joints, gynecological diseases (prostatitis, adenoma), inflammation in the airways of Echinacea tincture is recommended in the complex therapy.

Applicableechinacea tincture and for the treatment of urinary infections (cystitis, urethritis), diseases of the kidney and ureter. Medical studies have shown that echinacea tincture able to inhibit the growth of tumors.

Echinacea Tincture: how to make

For the treatment and prevention of diseases Echinacea (tincture) taken 3 times a day for half an hour before a meal to 20 drops to receive within two months. Rate should start with receiving 40-drops, and then another 20 drops for 2 hours. From the second day employing a conventional scheme described above.

If your doctor recommends a repetition rate, it can begin after two - three-week break.

Children older than 12 years can be given a tincture of echinacea, pre-diluted in water at a ratio of 1: 2 or 1: 3. At the reception takes 5-10 drops already diluted drug.

The doctor may advise you to individual dosage, so it is useful to consult with him before the start of the course.

Echinacea tincture also applied externally as a lotion.

Echinacea (tincture) contraindicated in people with progressive systemic diseases and diabetes, pregnant and lactating women, children under 12 years. You should also refuse to accept the tincture of Echinacea are hypersensitive to the drug.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: tincture, use