Cervical osteochondrosis

 Cervical osteochondrosis - the scourge of modern society. According to statistics, 70-85% of the population suffers from back pain at one time or another life.

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What iscervical osteochondrosis

To begin with let us recall the anatomy of the cervical spine. The neck consists of seven vertebrae, between which are the intervertebral discs. In the neck are a lot of nerves and blood vessels that feed and innervating the tissues of the neck, skull and face. One of the major arteries - spinal - is being held in the holes processes of the vertebrae. These channels are narrow, and the slightest displacement of the cervical vertebra may cause spasm of the vertebral artery, and in the future, and to compression. That is why for cervical degenerative disc disease is characterized by the following symptoms - headache, dizziness, high blood pressure, blackout.

The building itself differently in different vertebrae of the cervical, leaving them more closely adjacent to each other. Therefore, if any, even minor changes in the spine, or increasing the load on it, there is a disruption of the normal functioning of the entire spine with the impression or displacement of nerves and blood vessels, as well as compression of the spinal cord. A distinctive feature of compression of the spinal cord in the cervical spine is a very large amount of tissue damage and significant loss of function. Hence, in the first place among the symptoms of degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine pain acts. The pain of various kinds, - aching, stabbing, pulling. There is numbness of the skin and muscles of the neck, face, hands. In the hands of developing muscle paresis with weakness or even complete impossibility of movement. This can cause a sense of sverbeniya or "passage of an electric current" hands along with flexion of the neck.

Other symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease may be numbness or swelling in the tongue, pain in the clavicle. Headaches and neck pain may be aggravated by prolonged monotonous her position.

The development and exacerbation osteochondrosis promote micro - and macro - injury, static and dynamic loads.

This may be caused by:

  • Work related to the frequent changes in position of the body - flexion, extension, rotation, circular motion;
  • Lifting of heavy loads;
  • Improper posture while standing, sitting, lying down and when moving heavy objects;
  • Fizklturoy employment and sports excluding the impact of strenuous exercise;
  • Adverse weather conditions;
  • Genetic predisposition;

  • Prevention of the emergence and exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis

    To protect against cervical degenerative disc disease or alleviate its manifestations, you must first of all in the first place to take care of the right, healthy lifestyle. This includes a healthy diet, not smoking, walking outdoors. Very helpful physiotherapyBut from the complex of exercises should be avoided strong flexor and extensor movements of the neck, which injure spinal discs.

      1. Lying on your back, 10 - 15 seconds strongly push back of the head on the pillow. It should be low (10 - 15 cm), and not too soft. Roll over on your stomach and press down on the pillow forehead. Do not hold your breath.
      2. Lying on his stomach, sveste head with the neck of the bed and hold aloft for 15 seconds. However, turning over on his right side, then - on the back, on the left side.
      3. Sit in a chair, legs spread your hands hang down freely. Slowly tilt your head forward, trying to touch the chin chest, then move your head as far back (2 - 6 times).
      4. Perform continuous circular movement of the shoulders forward, then back at a moderate pace (4 - 6 times).
      5. Turn the head to the right - to the left at a moderate pace (2 - 6 times).
      6. Tilt your head to the right - to the left, trying to reach out to the shoulder (4 - 6 times).
      7. Raise your right hand through the side up, bend her over the head, remove the left ear. Same - left hand (4 times).
      8. Simulate swimming the crawl: run straight arms alternately circular rotation in the shoulders forward and then backward (6 times each).

      Such exercises will give you the energy boost throughout the day. And besides, it will strengthen the muscles of the neck, returns joint mobility of the cervical spine, improve a blood - and lymph circulation, metabolism.

    In a spare moment
      1. Push simultaneously with his hand on his forehead, and his forehead on his hand.
      2. Do the same thing, putting his hand on the back of the head. Head at the same time, do not tilt.
      3. Try to lower the shoulders down, and the crown of "pull" up, straining muscles. This is a great exercise for the spine.
      Each exercise is performed standing or sitting for 4 - 6 times. Voltage should last 10 - 15 seconds, then the same relaxation

    It is advisable to follow a few rules that reduce the load on the spine:

  • Always keep your back straight;
  • Try not to lift heavy objects. If necessary, the lifting them squatting and not leaning;
  • Frequently move, do not let your muscles to atrophy;
  • Often hang on the bar and swim;
  • Avoid hypothermia.
  • Difficulty in determining the causes of degenerative disc disease is a disease that occurs in both the elderly and the young, as in the physical development of the people and the people who neglect sports. So it is quite difficult to determine the kind of treatment that could help. Currently, there are many ways to treat degenerative disc disease, ranging from taking drugs and finishing operation.

    Back pain - not a sentence. You must learn to live with this disease, supporting his back at a level sufficient for everyday life. This is achieved primarily by samoprofilaktiki. Among the methods samoprofilaktiki, recently received widespreadmethod of spinal traction

    Spine traction, as a treatment known since ancient times. Apparatus for spinal traction in many hospitals and are widely used in everyday practice of treating degenerative disc disease. Among the drawbacks of the method - the awkwardness of the equipment, the complexity of a smooth increase of the load.

    In recent years, the application of joint and created a fairly simple and safe system of extension of the cervical spine, including the ability to use at home for the prevention of exacerbations of pain in the cervical spine. Such a system is by far the inflatable cervical collar, with a system of soft pneumatic traction. Opportunity to contribute to the collar muscle relaxation of the cervical spine and implement preventive traction vertebrate structures is one of the decisive factors when choosing inflatable cervical collar in terms of prevention of pain in the cervical spine.

    Results of application

    In the process of the cervical traction inflatable collar therapeutic distance between the vertebral bodies increases, restored intervertebral discs, eliminating pain, strengthen muscles, and communications.

    Resulting in:

  • Eliminates muscle spasm of the cervical spine and shoulder girdle;
  • Removed daily increased the load on the back and neck;
  • Recovering the range of motion of the head and neck
  • Due to the normalization of blood supply to the head, brain, spinal cord, neck and shoulder girdle is happening:

  • Normalization of pressure;
  • Passes dizziness, nausea;
  • Eliminates headaches;
  • Normalized memory, hearing, sight;
  • Reduced depression, emotional stress;
  • Restored the sensitivity of the hands;
  • Measure the distance from the bottom of the breastbone to the chin before the procedure, at the time of the procedure and after the procedure. With all respect to such a method for evaluating the effectiveness of traction, you will find an increase in the distance at the time of the procedure up to 2 - 3 cm, and after the procedure at 0, 5 - 1 cm.

    Indications for use:

    Before use, the inflatable collar therapeutic recommended to consult your doctor.

  • Muscle tension cervical spine with fatigue;
  • Pain of different nature in the back of the head, shoulders, shoulder blades;
  • Difficulty head movements;
  • Discomfort and numbness of the hands;
  • Headaches, dizziness, nausea;
  • Meteozavisimost, insomnia;
  • High blood pressure, ringing in the ears;
  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • The cervical radiculopathy;
  • Spinal injury;
  • Excessive deposition of fat in the chin area;
  • Neck cross;
  • Violation of posture;
  • Before use, the inflatable collar is recommended to consult your doctor.

    In clinical trials, the application of an inflatable collar for therapeutic reasons and subject to the application of the methodology, the negative reaction to the procedure of execution by means of the collar - is completely absent

    Tags: osteochondrosis