Asterisks on the legs: Causes and Treatment

Asterisks on the legs: Causes and Treatment
 The appearance of purple veins on the legs, called spider veins, is not only a cosmetic defect. Must be at the very beginning of their education-phlebologist see a doctor to determine the cause of stars, diagnostic studies using ultrasound and the purpose of treatment.

Spider veins appear more often in women than in men. The main reasons for the appearance of purple veins include varicose veins, pregnancy, use of hormonal drugs, abortion, women's diseases, hereditary connective tissue weakness, strong direct sunlight, excess weight, age period, heart disease, liver problems.

Treatment of spider veins in the early stages of the disease may be limited to implementation of preventive measures under the supervision of a physician. These activities include:
• weight loss;
• Walking and sports;
• execution of motor exercises during sedentary work;
• Rinse with cold water legs, the adoption of a contrast shower;
• selection of comfortable shoes without high studs and clothing without tightening the body gum;
• elimination of severe overheating.

Traditional medicine in turn as therapeutic agents advises apply: apple cider vinegar homemade (several times a day to lubricate the spider veins on the legs), the bath of pine needles, chamomile and calendula; tomato packs; infusion of leaves kolanhoe (wipe your feet in the direction of the feet to the calves). In the presence of spider veins are also encouraged to add to the diet of cherries.

If treatment is started in time, the problem with the appearance of spider veins on the legs can be solved with the help of these funds, and to further support the feet in a healthy condition, not forgetting about prevention.

In the case of prolonged illness must be removed Stars, which can be done by sclerotherapy, ozone therapy, electrocautery or using a laser.

Tags: leg star treatment, the reason