Appendicitis: endure and can not wait

Appendicitis: endure and can not wait
 Lucky are those who do so until the end of life and do not know which side is appendicitis. This is the approximate location of other bodies, it is desirable to know, but appendicitis - and no body at all, and inflammation of the body, which is the outgrowth of the cecum and the appendix is ​​called. Define the terminology, a women's magazine offers JustLady move on to more practical matters, namely to what the signs of appendicitis medicine known how the removal of the appendix that can be eaten after appendicitis and generally how to behave after surgery appendicitis.

Appendicitis: Background

In young children, appendicitis is rare. The peak of the disease accounts for 9-12 years, but after this age the risk of getting inflammation of the appendix is, especially if the body is faced with the following challenges:

- Constipation, in which there is obstruction of the lumen of the appendix (mainly this factor contributing to the development of appendicitis is relevant for the elderly);

- Worms;

- Injury to the abdomen;

- Greater mobility of the appendix (this factor is often provokes the appearance of such diseases as appendicitis in children);

- Infections (mainly food) and a variety of inflammatory bowel disease;

- Obstruction of the lumen of the appendix of undigested food, feces or small parts (the last option is most common in children).

After reading the above list of preconditions for the emergence of appendicitis, and, accordingly, in order to carry outappendectomyWe can conclude that significantly reduce the risk of inflammation of the appendix can. To do this, wash hands frequently with soap and water, good food before consuming process and generally take care of their diet.

Appendicitis Symptoms

Appendicitis symptoms which may in each case vary quite quickly develops. Stages of the disease is measured literally for hours, so the main thing - not to delay treatment to the doctor.

However, often it is not necessary to delay and, as abdominal pain, which is the main symptom of appendicitis, makes itself felt with surprising force. At the same time, it is necessary, aware of the children and the elderly, since the former are not always able to describe in words, where it hurts, and in the secondsigns of appendicitis and all may not be as pronounced.

Contrary to popular belief, oftenappendicitis does not start with pain in the right lower abdomen, and with pain in the upper abdomen (catarrhal appendicitis). Then discomfort (if you can call it) moves to the lower right (suppurative appendicitis, and then phlegmonous appendicitis). It was in these moments may feel sick,where appendicitis.

In addition to pain in the lower right abdomen appendicitis may be accompanied by pain in the right upper quadrant, and even pain radiating to the back or in the anus. While touching the stomach pain is usually worse.

As you can see,appendicitis symptoms has enough variety. In addition, there are some characteristicsigns of appendicitisWhich confirms that for abdominal pain lies not just "a pain in the stomach, which will take place after half an hour," and it is a serious disease that involvesappendectomy.

So, appendicitis provokes tension of the muscles of the abdomen, which is detectable by palpation, and also causes patients desire to pull your legs under him. It is quite possible signs of appendicitis are such as fever, change in stool nausea and even vomiting.

The answer to the question of whetherwhere appendicitis, Yet there he is in the lower right abdomen. Although it is often said that there is exactly the appendix and appendicitis - a diagnosis.

Appendicitis: Required knowledge

If you experience symptoms that may indicate a possible diagnosis "appendicitis" is strictly not recommended to postpone the visit to the doctor (to a gastroenterologist or a surgeon) or call an ambulance to take painkillers, which make it difficult to diagnose, apply heat in any form, there drink.

In addition, in any case can not refuse to visit the hospital if the pain subside. It can not say that the danger has passed, and that the disease is already moving in a more serious stage, and a rupture of the appendix.


Appendicitis is not treated with conservative methods. For recovery of the patient is required only surgery, thus, the faster it is done, the better the prognosis has the disease.

In principle, there are two methods by which heldappendectomy - Appendectomy and laparoscopy.

The second method is, of course, is more preferable, and from an aesthetic standpoint and from the standpoint of blood loss. But the removal of the appendix by laparoscopy performed rarely, mainly when laparoscopy was performed originally for diagnosis. In other cases,appendectomy - A traditional operation.

Appendicitis: postoperative period

It is not only the operation itself to remove the appendix, but the postoperative period, during which definitely need to stick to a diet.Meals after appendectomyAs after any surgery, should not include sharp, salty, fatty, smoked and any other hard to digest food.

It is much easier to say that you can eat after appendicitis than to enumerate all that diet after appendectomy does not include.

And So,after surgery appendicitis the patient is allowed to drink water and tea. In the first postoperative days must follow strictdiet after appendectomyIncluding soups, boiled fish and chicken, steamed vegetables, cottage cheese. Portions should be small, but at the same time, after the operation of appendicitis should have several times per day.

Although conventional diet after appendectomy exists, with the question "What can I eat after appendicitis" necessarily need to contact your doctor.

Also, some timeafter surgery appendicitis prohibited physical activity, sex and other actions that may interfere with healing and rapid recovery

 Inna Dmitrieva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: dish, Ambassador, stomach worm, diet scheme, soup, food, sex, care, hospital, removal, period, load, adult appendicitis operation, a child, a symptom, laparoscopy, occasion, appendix, recovery, apendiks