Walnut oil: composition, properties, application and treatment

Walnut oil: composition, properties, application and treatment
 Of walnut kernels tight oil, which along with the delicious taste is still a lot of medicinal properties. It is an excellent tool in the recovery period after serious illnesses and operations.  

Walnut oil is a leader in content of vitamin F, has a high content of vitamins A, E, K, antioxidants and polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6. These acids are not synthesized independently in the body, they must be obtained from food. Walnut oil contains 74, 6% of these essential acids. Furthermore, only in this oil fatty acids present in human ideal ratio of 1: 4.

Also nut oil contains a lot of macro and micronutrients - zinc, copper, iodine, calcium, iron, phosphorus, cobalt, selenium, magnesium, biologically active substances and coenzyme Q10. It is composed of retinol and carotenoids, which are getting into the body converts into vitamin A.

Thanks to its unique composition, this oil can be used in cooking, in medical purposes and in cosmetics.

It is great for salads with fresh vegetables, to prepare cold sauces, used in cooking for cooking and baking homemade bread.

This oil is very widely used for the treatment and prevention of diseases. Its regular use has a rejuvenating effect, increases the overall tone, removes radionuclides, reduces cholesterol, strengthens the protective functions of the body, increases resistance to radiation damage.

Walnut oil enhances medication organism disorders caused by deficiencies of essential fatty acids, vitamins, carotene. It is used for acute and chronic hepatitis, holitsistitah, gastritis, ulcers and colitis. The presence in the composition of sitosterol reduces the absorption of cholesterol from the intestine heals ulcers and restores appetite. It reduces the acidity, eliminating heartburn.

Furthermore, walnut oil improves the elasticity of the brain capillaries, it feeds cells. Improves visual acuity, relieves fatigue and normalizes the rhythm of sleep. Widely used in otitis and sinusitis.

The oil reduces the risk of ovarian cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer. Since ancient times it is used for lung diseases, including tuberculosis. It normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular system, cleanses the walls of blood vessels and makes them flexible. Prevent atherosclerosis and protects the heart from a heart attack. Expands the small blood vessels and normalizes blood pressure.

In addition, walnut oil improves metabolic processes and normalizes blood sugar, improve blood circulation in the genital organs, stimulates spermatogenesis, and increases libido. It restores and strengthens the liver cells, promotes quality timely flow of bile.

Nut oil is necessary in adolescence, it forms the tooth enamel, promotes the full physical, mental and sexual development. Especially shows it weakened, slowly developing children.

It is also recommended for pregnant women, as it promotes the development of high-grade fruit.

In cosmetology walnut oil is used for cooking nutritious anti-wrinkle creams, hand creams, as a means of improving tan, burns of any degree. In dermatology helps with psoriasis, all types of skin rashes, eczema.

Oil can be added to food or drink on an empty stomach, one teaspoon three times a day. The course of treatment is unlimited, contraindications have no oil.

Tags: oil, walnut, property, the treatment composition, the use,