Swelling of the feet: 6 ways to solve the problem

Swelling of the feet: 6 ways to solve the problem
 Swelling of the legs gives a lot of trouble - legs look swollen, tired quickly, on the heels and toes appear corn and diaper rash, shoes become uncomfortable. Get rid of the problem will help preventive measures and proper foot care.
 The main reason for the summer of edema - excess fluid intake. If you drink a lot heat, the kidneys and the heart goes to the additional load. When authorities can not cope with the volume of incoming fluid, it begins to accumulate in the tissues, causing the appearance of edema. Monitor fluid intake and give preference to clean water, green tea instead of sugary and fizzy drinks.

If you suffer from varicose veins, the appearance of edema inevitably - the walls of veins are stretched and begin to leak into surrounding tissue. Treatment of varicose veins should be started as early as possible - modern methods sklerotirovaniya vessels can get rid of the problem for several procedures.

If you suffer from excess weight, the legs are heavily loaded - get rid of extra pounds and the problem will disappear. The cause of edema may be a chronic disease, so you should be treated, and monitor the status of the body.

Uncomfortable shoes can cause swelling, so give up high heels, tight shoes and slimming legs stockings and socks. Shoes should be comfortable and not compressing the tissue of the foot.

Periodically, do a foot massage, rising from the feet to the knees, in the course of processing the tissue lymph. It is useful to lift your legs over your head - lay them on a low stool or cushion, even during sleep. Every evening exercise your legs:

- Twist the foot at the ankle joint;
- Rolls from heel to toe;
- Collect pencils toes off the floor;
- From the supine position, rotate the feet, simulating cycling.

Water treatments play an important role in the prevention of edema: a contrast shower or bath, walking barefoot on the wet sand, swimming in the pool, etc. If swollen feet during pregnancy, you should limit physical activity. In all other cases, moderate exercise (walking, jogging, cycling, etc.), Trains the muscles of the legs, but useful. Use herbal medicine - Eat fruits, vegetables and herbal infusions, has a diuretic effect.

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