How to reduce the liver

How to reduce the liver
 Liver enlargement (hepatomegaly) - this is an alarming sign, pointing to her disease. Especially, it is often asymptomatic, and the only significant change in the size of the body in a big way provokes discomfort in the abdomen. Return the liver normal forms can only be cured of diseases caused by hepatomegaly.
 Remember that self-medicate liver simply dangerous. Home treatments body will be futile or harmful at all. For a start, consult a doctor and go through examination to determine the cause of the increase of the liver. After that, focus on the treatment of disease detection.

Enlargement of the liver often causes hepatitis. Therefore it is necessary to do a difficult disease treatment. Specific therapy in the case of hepatitis is much more effective methods of traditional medicine. However, as a support, try to use the following recipe: Mix 2 teaspoons of yarrow, mint and tarragon, dill seeds with 3 teaspoons of Helichrysum. Mixture of herbs (2 teaspoons) for 8 hours to insist 400 ml of water. Infusion helps clean the liver and improve its work, drink a few tricks, but always in a single day.

Hepatomegaly can be caused by dehydration, infection or toxins. In any case, treatment begins with the elimination of the underlying disease. Severe poisoning and filling treat severe fluid loss in the hospital. Treatment of infectious diseases is conducted under the supervision of an appropriate specialist. After returning to normal state, immediately proceed to clean the liver. For this purpose, use a simple and effective way - tea from corn silk. In using it, you will be able to lead a normal liver for only two weeks.

If the liver is increased as a result of metastasis of a malignant tumor formed, it is useless to use folk remedies. Are treated under the supervision of a physician-oncologist. Consult with him about taking hepatic, for example, "Essentiale".

If you have had fatty liver disease, you can use these guidelines:

- If overweight should lose weight, but not too fast;
- Daily maintain the body's ability to detoxify (drink plenty of water, do not smoke, get enough dietary soluble fiber, eat cruciferous vegetables, use non-toxic household products and skin care products);
- Try not to use fructose and sucrose, milk thistle and take fish oil, vitamin E, alpha-lipoic acid, acetyl-L-carnitine, drink green tea, add to the diet of curcumin.

Follow the diet, which prescribes limit trudnousvaivaemyh fats and carbohydrates. Avoid spicy and fried foods. Also, it is not desirable to use flour products. Eat fractional (at least 6 times per day). Prefer food, steamed.

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