How to get rid of toxicity

How to get rid of toxicity
 Toxicosis is a frequent companion of pregnant women. Usually it occurs soon after conception and retreats only after 12-14 weeks. In addition to nausea woman may be concerned about excessive salivation, dizziness, loss of appetite and vomiting. Facilitate the manifestations of toxicity as possible with the help of official medicine and folk remedies.
 One of the causes of toxicity - hormonal changes in the body. The culprits of all the "troubles" are human chorionic gonadotropin and progesterone, without which a normal pregnancy impossible. Enhanced production of these hormones begins immediately after conception, so toxemia usually occurs at the very early stages.

Toxicosis may occur almost imperceptibly, without causing much inconvenience to the woman. In this case, a pregnant feels a weakness and drowsiness, which take place after a nap. Often, a woman becomes overly sensitive to different smells, but that does not stop her to lead a normal life.

Toxemia, which is manifested by nausea, tolerated by women is much worse. Well, if it is disturbed only in the morning and goes after pregnant breakfast. But sometimes a woman is experiencing nausea throughout the day, which affects the appetite and gives a lot of inconvenience. Get rid of bad feelings can, sucking mints or lemon wedge. Someone helps a sip of water or herbal tea. Many fleeing nausea crunches. Find "your" means you can only empirically.

If nausea is complicated by vomiting, it should alert a woman and give rise to a visit to a doctor. Single vomiting is not dangerous, but if it is repeated several times a day, there is a risk of dehydration. It is dangerous for both the pregnant woman and the developing embryo, so folk remedies should replace traditional medicines. In some cases, the physician may prescribe to maintain normal body vitamins, but sometimes do not dispense with hepatic, for example, "Essentiale". Sometimes dehydration becomes so severe that to cope without hospitalization is simply impossible.

Even if nausea does not bother you, you should take care to prevention. Eat small meals every 2-2, 5 hours. Do not eat those dishes that make you dislike, even if they are useful.

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