Breath: Causes are different

Breath: Causes are different
 Breath - a very delicate topic, moreover, in most cases, even taboo. People who have this problem for years about her can not even guess, because all those who know of the existence of such problems are very rarely dare to say so directly. A vicious circle: people do not know what has bad breath, which causes even more unknown, and the surrounding suffer from the need to communicate with him, but can not do anything. Moreover, often bad breath, causes of which can be very different, it is a topic for discussion and jokes behind the person. Well, if you talk on the subject is taboo for most, it offers at least JustLady independently verify whether there is among the causes of bad breath that that could provoke such a problem from you.

Alina believes that the private space of the person, which can not be broken, it came up to a man with bad breath could not come close to the critical distance. The girl, who, by the way, works in the HR department, says that every second person who comes to her for an interview in order to obtain a vacant position hashalitosis. Causes that the decision to accept a job is taken not in favor of such people are often not only professional. According to Alina, very few people want to sit at the next table with a man, and to turn away every time he talks on the phone or just talking with colleagues.

Yes, bad breath - a problem not only medical, but the social. But now it often has the appearance of a purely medical, well, or close to medical justification.

Breath: Causes are different

Bad Breath: Causes medical

Since we're talking about medicine, then put everything in its place in medical terminology, and note thatbreath, causes the occurrence of which we will discuss, has a medical name - halitosis. Yes, doctors work closely on this issue, so even managed to give her name.

Of the causes of halitosis, which currently able to establish medical, first place is occupied by diseases of the mouth, especially the microflora of the mouth, and a variety of diseases of internal organs.

So, the food. Now we will talk not about the individual products that can cause bad breath (more on that later), and how are the remnants of food in the mouth. As if we did not try, but at least part of the scanty meal after meal in the mouth remains. These "remnants" provoke strengthening livelihoods bacteria present in the mouth. Most bacteria like protein foods.Breath, causes which are embedded in such processes can chase each, but pursues only those who do not regularly clean teeth and do not engage in oral hygiene.

However, sometimes a simple brushing will not get off. The reason may be periodontal disease, and carious teeth become a real haven for food debris first, and then for the bacteria. Accordingly, while the teeth are not cured, you can blame it on them, or rather, its lack of responsibility or on their own to go to the dentist. Choose: an hour or two to sit in a chair with a dentist or endure yearshalitosis, causes is installed, but not eliminated.

And do you know why it is often bad breath is felt in the morning? The fact that the night is reduced salivation, and one of the functions of saliva is to neutralize bacteria.Breath, causes which lie in the lack of saliva, are also often triggered by disease such as xerostomia, in accessible language meaning dry mouth.

But if the teeth and oral okay, it does not mean that the medical causes of bad breath can be eliminated. Inflammation of the tonsils, respiratory infections and sinus infections, kidney failure, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - all as potential causes for the appearance of halitosis. Therefore, in order to rule out medical causes of bad breath, you need to visit a dentist in addition to more and Laura, a gastroenterologist and a nephrologist.

By the way, during the treatment of certain diseases can also appearhalitosis, causes which lie in the reception of certain types of drugs.

Bad Breath: Causes nonmedical

If the bacteria need at least some time in order to provoke a breath, the tobacco or alcohol this time is not required.

Olya once heard from his smoking employee joke about the fact that from another employee of bad smells. The girl was indignant that she has to deal with some kind of Ekaterina Nikolaevna, who has bad breath, but she did not thought about why immediately after her return to the office neighbors smoke breaks open all the windows.

Olya does not smoke, and therefore very well feel the smell of cigarettes, even at a great distance. What can we say about those moments when you have close contact with the smoking lady. However, whether male or female, although the smell of cigarettes from a woman - a phenomenon that is still more unpleasant.

Special "chic" - a mixture of tobacco smell odors with other medical or other origin. Under a different origin can be understood, for example, alcohol, which also holds a leading position in the hit parade of reasons for the emergence of halitosis.

All familiar as onions and garlic, which is traditionally not recommended for use if you plan to communicate with people. Why onions and garlic -causes of bad breath? The fact that some of these products are not absorbed by the body and therefore must be excreted in expired air from the urine and stool.

Halitosis: elimination methods

As we have learned, bad breath can be eliminated, giving up bad habits or visiting a doctor. But there are folk remedies for getting rid of bad breath, which often do not eliminate the causes of halitosis, but help for a while to get rid of this phenomenon. After consulting with your doctor, you can use some of the popular methods of eliminating bad breath.

4-6 Rinse mouth once per day in any of these infusions:

- '15 Cumin seeds in a glass of boiling water;

- Tablespoon peppermint 0.5 liters;

- 20 leaves of alder 0.5 liters. boiling water;

- 1 teaspoon per cup of wormwood boiling water.

In addition, an excellent remedy for bad breath are apples. Often just eat this fruit, which is useful not only for its property to eliminate bad breath, but also other properties, a positive effect on the whole body.

 Inna Dmitrieva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: bacterium