Wonders of nail art

 The name "nail art" owes its origin to two English words - nail (nail) and art (art). Nail art - the art of decorating nails in many different ways (through the use of decorative painting and various decorations).

Nail art can be performed on the natural, and the extensions or false nails. Used to design a variety of materials and accessories: rhinestones, sequins, appliques, lace, ribbons, foil, plant materials, and more.

How to decorate your nails?

Manicure in an unusual style
The very first option considered nail art emerged in the mid 70-ies of XX century French manicure. Now, based on this invented a huge number of other options, such as "inverted" French manicure, which is painted with no protruding tip, and the nail. A regrown nail tip is coated with varnish or contrasting shiny powder.

The painting on the nail
Draw on the nail can be almost all the way up to miniature landscapes, transforming it into a work of art. What is it to draw on the nail - a matter of taste. For example, it is very interesting to look at the figure with the dresses, handbags or scarves, repeated on the nails. Orthodox business woman can put on one of the fingers (usually - unnamed) company logo. You can even decorate nail some short utterance or own paintings. But it is all rather exotic. Most often the client beauty salons and lovers of independent experiments with nails choose any repeating patterns or abstract images. In this case, it is not necessary to paint over the entire surface of the nail. Delicately drawing looks when the nail is covered with transparent varnish and paint, leaving it free of painting sites.

The painting is usually performed with colored paints or acrylics, drawing a toothpick, needle or the thinnest brush. Initially, the nail necessarily applied base coat of clear lacquer, which is necessary to paint the color pigments are not painted nail plate. Furthermore, the base provides the necessary smooth surface for the future pattern. And after drawing dry, it is necessary to apply a protective coating that will protect. painting from chipping and fading.

Varnish effect of cracks
Nail art nail used special effect craquelure - cracks, which are formed when drying. First applied to the nails colorless base, and at her - lacquer-substrate, the color of which will make its way through the cracks. Then, the varnish is applied to the primary colors, which dries to form a groove, and then crack. The thinner the layer, the more pronounced will crack. Completes the application of 1-2 layers of clearcoat.

Rhinestones - an imitation gemstones. They are usually made of glass, crystal, plastic or metal. They come in different colors, shapes and sizes (1-3 mm). The smallest crystal rhinestones and plastic can be mounted directly on the fresh paint. To consolidate those bigger, you can put on the nail point clear varnish and then a toothpick or needle gently lay rhinestones on the drop and lightly press. But the largest crystals will be held only with a special glue.

Shaped sequins
All sorts of tiny stars, hearts, squares and circles shine better than rhinestones. They are applied until the varnish has dried: the tip of a toothpick or a needle dipped in the water, take it sparkles and "utaplivajut" it in the paint, and then gently touches each sparkles with clear lacquer. After the varnish dries sequins, they cover the entire nail.

With the help of small sequins (in the form of shimmering dust), you can create a very original versions of nail art. In fact it is the same sequins, which can be found in the clear lacquers. However, using them in a dry form, it is possible to regulate the number and density of the pattern. First applied to the nail transparent varnish, and the top in the form of a specific pattern sprinkled with sequins. After drying, the extra whisked soft brush. Or, you can separate the palette drop a little transparent varnish and brush to make the right amount of glitter there, and then use this weight on the nail.

Colored sand
Colored sand for nail art - a small ball-shaped grains. Besides suitable to all gold and silver, they are black, transparent, and various shades of green, red, blue, etc. For their application a fine brush (a needle or toothpick) lightly dipped in water or in a damp sponge, and then take a few grains of sand, which is located on the nail varnish, wet, laying them some pattern (eg, petal, bow, leaf). Then the nail is necessary to cover 2-3 layers of fixative, as the grains of sand are serving part of the design and the top layer is easily erased.

Applications, stickers and Transfers Pictures
Another popular accessory for nail art - it is self-adhesive and water applications. The former figure is a transparent thin film that is applied to the dried varnish and the top is covered with a transparent fixative. Water is necessary to lower the applique into the water and wait until the paper is impregnated with water, and then the pattern applied to the nail (according to the principle of children's decals).

Nail stickers are good when there is no time and you need to quickly create something original. Applications only use better than all the nails, but only one. It is believed that most elegantly See figure on the finger where the ring wearing, but then the picture should be in color to blend in with it. Just an interesting variant on the middle finger or little finger. It is important to choose the nail polish color, combined with decal.

Applications and labels can be very different on subjects. Most often it is all sorts of hearts, flowers, leaves, etc. There are options with silver and golden scales, as well as those which contain crystals and sequins. Labels can be as a single image, and in the form of imitation pieces of fabric or leather pieces are cut and pasted to the desired location.

Colored ribbons and threads
Colored ribbon nail issued on the basis of the adhesive and have different colors and textures, for example, mimic the snake skin. Or it may be thin gold ribbon glued on nails diagonally. Their thickness does not exceed 2-3 mm and they are mounted on the already dried up paint.

Nail art can be used and special threads or conventional thin threads for embroidery with gold or silver. They stick to the glue or clear nail polish. Thread can be put lines or mesh twist and glue rings, bend and glue the triangles, squares, and so on. D.
Top thread and tape covered with transparent varnish. When bonding importantly, what would the thread and tape does not touch the cuticle, and almost reached the edge of the nail.

Lace and mesh
Very interesting to look at the nail lace or plain mesh, which can be used in a fragmented and entirely on the entire nail. Carved fragment desired shape is attached with glue to the dried paint. Polish usually used very fine lace with different weave and color.

There are several types of nail foil. Tear the foil is applied to the transparent varnish or glue and spread a thin stick on nail. If desired, the nail can be topped with clear lacquer: then disappears volume and brightness of the light, but the foil while longer holds. The transfer foil is glued to the nail with a special adhesive that is applied to the correct part of the nail, face foil is applied, and then removed her foundation. There are ready gold and silver foil strips Adhesive.

Plant materials
Natural materials for nail design are various dried flowers (dried flowers and leaves), as well as seeds and even natural straw. For example, dried and painted sprigs of dill in the design of nails are perfectly combined with crystals. Of dried petals can be created on eogtyah very interesting flower arrangements. A seed (both in volume and in dyed) are glued to the nails in the form of various patterns. Nail art suitable seeds "shepherd's purse," bell pepper, fennel and poppy.

Feathers in the nail art is used in different sizes and colors. Small feathers completely glued to the nail and varnished. Or you can stick to just "stalk" feather to the main part of the pen hanging over the edge of the nail. It may be, for example, tail Firebird, whose body is painted on the nail. It is clear that such ornaments are one-time in nature and are used for publication.

Another extremely uncomfortable in life, but the original decoration of the nail - is modeling. The shape of the nail "sculptures" depends on the imagination of the master and your choice: it can be a flower, tree, man, animal, or some abstract composition. The finished creation carefully attached to the nail with glue.

Nail piercing
Despite the ominous title, body piercings nails - it does not hurt as sensory endings in the cornea of ​​the no. In the lounge with a mechanical or electrical sverlyshka on doing a protruding tip of the nail hole into which is inserted and selected decorations, for example, pendants, chains, cloves. As well as holes can be "flash" thread. Very beautiful and unusual looks double or triple piercings. Most often pierce the nail on the little finger or ring finger of the left hand, to earrings and kulonchiki not interfere with work.

His or artificial?
Not all design experiments can be carried out on natural nails. For example, crystals can be left on the "live" nail vmyatinki, and they kept it a lot worse than artificial. Do not spoil your own nails and nail-pierced, as the natural nail plate can be easily damaged. Brittle layer and nails as this procedure is generally contraindicated. But on artificial nails nail piercing is quite appropriate.

For complex paintings, their experts also recommend doing artificial nails because they varnish keeps better and longer because of the fact that the nail plate is not as mobile and flexible. Varnish does not break and, accordingly, drawing longer destroyed.

Decorate and correct
With the help of nail art can not only beautify the nail, but also to adjust its shape. For example, to visually shorten the nail can make french manicure (classic or original version), but to the contrary, prolong the effect can be achieved by causing any vertical pattern.

Tags: aquarium material effect nail, crack, picture, foil, lace, miracles, art, sequins, appliqué