Diseases of the nails

 Nails - this horny skin outgrowths, their structure is determined by heredity, but can be changed by external factors (nutrition, hand care, the work performed). Healthy nail must be durable and resilient. Often, problems with nails indicate a problem with health.

After the diet

To the nails were strong and healthy:

- The diet includes dishes with gelatin - flood, jellies, soups, milk, dairy products, yeast, soy products, seafood, wheat, beets, grapes, egg yolk or pelleted vitamin H (biotin).

If you want your nails are strong and beautiful, try to make your meal was complete, and was attended by the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin A strengthens the nails and their growth. Is found in liver, butter, fresh greens, carrots, tomatoes.

Vitamin B helps in the absorption of protein and thus promotes the growth of nails. Contained in sprouted wheat grains, brewer's yeast, egg yolk, cabbage.

Iodine promotes the growth of the nail. Contained in seaweed, spinach.

Calcium necessary for the strength of nails. In its most dairy products.

Silicon promotes the hardness and elasticity of the nails. Found in various vegetables.

Iron is very important for the structure and shape of the nail.

Sulfur necessary for the formation of the nail, inhibits inflammatory processes. Contained in the cabbage, onions, cucumbers.

- If possible, twice a day, rub the nail brush - they neohodim peeling.

- Make regular nourishing massage and nail the whole phalanx.

- Daily push the cuticle with a towel or orange stick. The need to cut the cuticle occurs less frequently.

- Homework desirable to carry out a gloved hand and before that the silicone grease cream.

- Use the lime or lemon to whiten nails, cut nails and massage for 5 minutes.

- Use paint constantly is not recommended periodically nails need to rest.

- The nail varnish is not applied to the wells: it inhibits the growth of nails.

- In no case do not apply directly to the nail varnish. At first base or cover it with a protective agent.

Diseases of the nails

Analysis of the state of nails before the procedure - a very important point. In the presence of severe disease or skin should be referred to a dermatologist.

Non-fungal nail disease

Sometimes change is not related to nail fungal lesions and appear due to some reasons such as poor diet, smoking, infectious diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory, and genetic changes of the nail plate. These changes are similar in appearance to the nail fungal infection, but are not. Treatment with antifungal drugs negribkovykh nail diseases, of course, will not succeed. Therefore, in case of doubt, you should always seek the assistance of a specialist (dermatologist or mycologist).

Pale yellowish nails are the result of smoking, poor circulation, fungal infection, age-related changes, certain medications, misuse of drugs to cleanse and strengthen nails.

The grooves on the surface of the nail plate appear in anemia (anemia - lack of hemoglobin and red blood cells), unbalanced diet, injuries nails.

Fissile nails are the result of hereditary characteristics

-allergii for drugs used to cleanse the nail from the nail is used in the "capacity" of nails, unbalanced diet

-vozdeystvie detergents, improper nail filing, self-peeling nails, as well as injuries.

Burrs appear because of the frequent and / or prolonged exposure to detergents, nail biting, improper handling of the cuticle and rollers, permanent injuries cuticle, the absence of any manicuring. To avoid complications burrs should be carefully trim nail scissors and lubricate the solution of brilliant green. On inflamed areas bandage with tetracycline ointment or sintomitsinovoy emulsion.

Injury. When badly bruised fingernail underneath formed hemorrhage, nail color is blue, violated its circulation, and it will eventually rejected.

Callus occurs mainly on the palms and heels, but can also develop in other areas. Often callus develops on the soles when using the uncomfortable shoes. For the treatment of this disease conventional medicine recommends warm soap or soda bath, after which the affected skin is applied salicylic ointment. Salicylic acid, which is part of ointments, causes swelling and softening of the stratum corneum, which later easily scraped from the surface of the skin or removed large beds.

Fungal infections of the nails

Fungal infections of the nails or onychomycosis (from lat.oniho "- a nail," athlete's foot "- fungal infection), occur in 2 - 5% of the population. Most often, the development of the fungus in people with reduced immunity.

Onychomycosis include several fungal diseases caused by different agents and proceeding as with the defeat of the nail, and with lesions of the skin and hair. Onychomycosis include nail infections, as on the toes and hands.

Infection usually occurs when visiting public baths, wearing shoes of the patient fungal infections, in contact with the patient.

It should be remembered that the diagnosis of "fungal infection of the nails," can put a doctor or dermatologist mycologist, as should be carried out to clarify not only the visual diagnosis, and laboratory tests. Masters pedicure, manicure and yourself, knowing the primary symptoms can recognize the disease in time and see a specialist.

Lead nail. When you hit the nail fungus is its loosening and splitting. The fungus is easily transferred from one finger to another, affecting neighboring nails. Recommended daily. After washing of the feet, scraping of the nail as it should be as calcareous grains, which are separated from the body painlessly.

Symptoms of fungal infections (onychomycosis):

-okruglye strip and stain yellowish, grayish-white in the thickness of the nail, change the natural color and shine nail thickening of the nail (the affected nail becomes thicker and has a view of loosening and nibbled on top of the nail), increased fragility of the disintegration of the nail on the chips, peeling nail absence improve with proper care.

Trichophytosis (trichophytia: synonym for ringworm)- A disease of the skin, hair, nails, caused by the fungus genus Trichophyton. Treatment is carried out dermatologist mycologist outpatient or hospital depending on the severity of the clinical picture (prevalence, lymphadenopathy, fever, etc.). Assign inside griseofulvin, Nizoral; topically in the form of surface 2-5% alcohol solution of iodine, sulfur salicylic ointment (3% salicylic acid and 10% of precipitated sulfur), 2, 5% of griseofulvin liniment, ointment Wilkinson et al.

Prevention of fungal infections

-Supports your immune system in the public baths, swimming pools go to special shoes after visiting the pool can be wiped interdigital spaces of arms and legs with a weak solution of vinegar or alcohol.

Tags: nail disease