Design short nails

Design short nails
 Designers long break the stereotype that short nails - ugly and non-sexual. Competent manicure on short nails trimmed - is a happy union of beauty and practicality. Besides, the design of short nails can be as varied as long.
 So, before choosing the style, color varnish or drawing, care must be taken care of and the form of the nail plate. Square can only wear a happy owner of thin and long fingers. Classical oval fits all, without exception. Important: it is not necessary to trim the nails very short and leaves visible fingertips.

As for color, if you want to make a classic solid color manicure, you can choose any, even the most radical tone. Black and dark varnishes it look great on short nails neat. The same can be said of the brightly colored lacquers. At the same long nails it looks defiant.

On short nails, as well as on long, you can make jacket - but only if you have a long, rather narrow nail plate and slender fingers. French manicure can be a classic (natural nails with white border), or contrast.

Figure should be chosen carefully. In no case can not be made a major figure on short nails (especially if they are small and / or wide). Prefer abstract, geometric patterns and avoid medley. Do not make the acrylic molding, stick rhinestones! Besides the fact that this design is suitable only long nails, it looks in most cases extremely vulgar.

If you are unhappy with the shape of their nails, you can easily adjust it. At irregular shape of the nail plate, try to use the vertical parallel lines.

Finally it is worth noting that the guru of manicure and pedicure, the famous Christine Fitzgerald prefer short nails: "I like short nails, so that even if God Himself says that long nails - it is fashionable, I still will not wear them."

Tags: manicure, nail design, plate