How to make beautiful pictures on nails

How to make beautiful pictures on nails
 Hands - a business card of a woman. Manicured hands is impossible to imagine without a good manicure. To transfer your manicure originality, learn simple techniques nail design - learn to draw beautiful nails.
 To start learn how to create image-based technique of weaving and stretching. Before you start painting, put on nail varnish, which will be the main tone, and let it dry. Prepare a few colored paints and a needle. Apply the base strips and dots colored lacquer paints or more and use the brand-new twist them quickly. Top, apply a fixing agent.

Description of the methods you can draw a lot of pictures. For example, a flower. In the center of the nail point put one shade, and put a few points around a different color. Dot size with a larger green lacquer top and bottom of the nail. Needles twist all the points between them. Create a black and white design, which is based on drawing a zigzag pattern, or draw a colorful eight on the nails. Webs can be drawn, which are made by applying two drops of different colors to each other, stretching them and adding a cobweb in the center and edges of webs black. You can think of your drawing.

Another option to make your nails interesting and unusual - put on them drawing a fine brush. This is not such a simple technique as the previous one, and once the pattern may not turn out, so please be patient and exercise. Cover the nail varnish to create a background for a picture. When the paint is dry, apply a second coat. After drying, a second layer of paint brush small hearts or stars, polka dots, flowers, whatever you want. Complete manicure with using a fixative. Choose the first simple drawings. For example, do imitation tiger color, having orange stripes on a black background. Very original look fingernails, which caused diagonally paints of different colors.

When you learn how to perform the most simple drawings, you can start a more complex drawings. Try to draw, for example, fish or ladybugs. When you create a drawing, first draw the outline, then fill it with color. The second layer of varnish on the image apply only after the first has dried. Make sure that the brush was covered with color evenly. To draw a flower petals, leaves, or simply create a creative pattern, dip the brush on one side in one color and the other - in the second. Depending on how you hold the brush, what angle, the figure will change.

With conventional adhesive tape is also possible to make an original manicure. Cut small pieces of adhesive tape and glue them to the nails as a template, such as the tip of the nail. That part of the nail, which does not have adhesive tape, paint a bright varnish. Tweezers, remove the cling film and put the rest of the nail contrast, for example, black lacquer. Top line can hold gold or silver paint and cover the nail transparent varnish. Such patterns can be applied to all the nails on only some or on the ring finger nail. Colored tunics can be performed using, for example, pairs of colors: black and white, white and burgundy, white and gold. Using a stencil in other parts of the nail, you can create a few more options drawing on nails. Glue, for example, an adhesive tape on the nail area, with the edge of the nail or close to the cuticle.

Even an ordinary strip drawn diagonally and sprinkled glitter, already attract attention to your hands and successfully complement your image, if the pattern is made carefully, with imagination and using high quality paints the right colors. In creating the drawings can be used rhinestones and glitter polish.

Thanks to your imagination, patience, practice and desire to learn how to perform the original drawings on the nails, you will soon be able to create fancy nail design, without the help of masters nail salons and nail art studios.

Tags: nail design