How to make a Christmas Manicure

How to make a Christmas Manicure
 Since the woman's hand always attract attention, it is necessary to provide them with proper care and pay attention to manicure. The holidays can be a little retreat from the restrained colors and give yourself the opportunity to show off with a bright, shiny and stylish nails.  
 Carefully consider the idea manicure - welcome every kind of Christmas symbols (snowflakes, spraying as frost, spruce twigs, etc.), the most unusual combination of colors, decorative ornaments in the form of crystals, sequins, pieces of foil and so on.

Gather everything you need - manicure tools, a few bubbles with colored lacquer, crystals and other decorative elements, brushes, toothpicks, glue, etc. Make manicure, treating nail plates and cuticles, file off the tips of the nails, giving them a flat shape. Be sure to cover the nail varnish base to protect the plate. Then apply the basic colored lacquer - choose colors, which will be in harmony with your decoration.

Begin to draw - well looked small snowflakes and colorful mug depicting New Year's toys on a dark lacquer coating. If you are just learning to create drawings on the nails, choose simple elements - from a drop of varnish make a snowflake, distributing paint toothpick. You can draw on nails miniature spruce twigs Christmas trees or whole, to write on the nails 4 figures, symbolizing the coming year, etc. Show frost on the nails can sequins - they should be applied when the lacquer has not dried up. Spray glitter, typing them on a thin brush and gently blowing on the tip - you can treat the entire nail plate or only the tips.

If you do not want to involve explicit attributes of the New Year, limit gluing rhinestones and shiny pebbles. Attach decorations can be using a special glue or clear varnish - make sure that the amount of fixing was minimal, as it can spread. Take the decorative elements thin tweezers or a toothpick dipped one hand - pressing rhinestones for nail, hold it a little to fix the decoration.

Option restrained, but still New Year's manicure, French manicure is with dark tips. Cover the free ends of the nails black, dark brown or Brodova paint, then apply a coat of clear lacquer spray and glitter at the interface dark varnish colorless.

Tags: manicure, year, new