Take your time - positive results worth waiting a few months. The key to success - the regularity of procedures. After each wash hands with force wipe your fingers - each individually. Pay special attention to the cuticle. Soft but strong enough movements Slide your skin at the nail towards the brush. After washing, apply a moisturizer on your fingers, rubbing it with the same movements.
At least twice a day makes heavy hand massage. The most convenient way to hold it in front of the TV, combining with this useful, but not too exciting experience watching your favorite gear. Apply to the skin around the nail cuticle oil with grape seed extract or almond. Rub your fingers in a circular motion, pulling the skin towards the wrist. Grasp the finger of the other hand and with the strength of its lead from the tip to the base, moving in a circle. Repeat techniques several times, treating each finger individually. The whole procedure should take at least half an hour.
Learn to do your own manicure. Make a warm bath for hands, add water shower gel and a teaspoon of baking soda. After the bath the skin around the nail softens. Arm yourself with a stick made of bone or orange tree with a flat spatula at the end. Gentle movements toward the base of the finger slide cuticle. Carefully remove the nail clippers or sharp scissors. Wipe your fingers and then massage them tea tree oil. This procedure should be performed at least once a week.
Gives good results and processing cuticles and skin around the nail special sawing. It destroys the rollers without damaging fingers. Use it very carefully, trying not to damage the nail.
Constantly moisturize cuticles, causing her special creams, gels and oils. The more you knead it, the better. The key to success - constant and gradual steps. Do not try to increase the nail bed at a time and do not use metal tools - you can cause injury, which would nullify all the efforts. Damaged nail to grow, it may take an irregular shape, which will have to fix the doctor's office.