How to care for toenails

How to care for toenails
 Feet and toes - one of the most hidden places of the body, so many neglect caring for them. Meanwhile, well-groomed feet get any unpleasant appearance of diseases. Such as corn, shipitsy, calluses, fungus and others. Special care is required toenails, because they vividly react to a close and uncomfortable shoes, for failure to washing and trimming at the elementary inattention to them. Nail fungus, burrs, ingrown nail, the nail plate is uneven - all this distorts the leg and causes discomfort. Therefore, regular and thorough care toe nails should become the norm.

Two of the most basic procedures - cleaning and removal of dirt from under the nails - should be daily (or to be more precise, - nightly). Wash preferably in broth of herbs (thyme, celandine, chamomile, peppermint) or oak bark. But if there is no hunting spend time on it, will fit and copes with running water and soap. Dirt from under the nails should be removed special bone or wooden spatula to avoid damage to the natural fat pad inner surface of the nail.
Toenails should not shear off the way you used to do it on the fingers. Toenail should have in place sostrig straight line. Process sawing should only in the direction from edge to the center, because when sawing in different directions destroyed keratin nail, and it will begin to crumble. Likewise, it is necessary to carefully treat grinding toenails (if they are rough and require sanding). In no case do not use a metal nail file, it is better - a special universal polishing nail file. Usually it contains several abrasive cloths - from gentle to a relatively rigid. What is needed by your marigolds, you can easily define a process of trial.
Quite common nuisance - a bundle of nail plate. To cope with this disaster will iodine. Every night before going to bed lubricate nail iodine. Iodine can be alternated with special medicated oil that is sold in a pharmacy or in a store cosmetics, or prepare yourself from a mixture of oils (eg, clove mix, Tuev and sunflower in equal proportions). One evening - iodine, the next evening - oil, etc. On the day you can apply clear coat to protect the nail enamel. These procedures will help to restore the structure of the nail.
Sometimes iodine helps with fungal nail disease. Only iodine solution should be more concentrated, and after application it is necessary to nail plate grease with butter or baby cream and bandage. Repeat every night, until we get rid of the fungus. But, in fact, a fungus - a complex disease, treatment of which must appoint a physician or dermatologist mycologist. Typically, this process is long and it is not limited to application of ointments and solutions, the doctor often prescribed drugs and domestic applications.
If you do not like yellow or dark toenails, moisten them from time to time with lemon juice or arrange foot baths - 2 tbsp. tablespoons lemon juice 1 liter of water. Very useful salt foot bath (100 g coarse salt to 1 liter of water, you can replace rock salt sea), nails after they become strong and smooth. Nourish and strengthen the nail plate bath of the following composition: a decoction of oak bark, bark of Viburnum and chamomile to drip a few drops of any vegetable oil and soak your feet in this solution for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with clean water and oil cream for the feet. These trays can hold the legs 1-2 times a week.
Warning! - All your efforts to care for toe nails may be unsuccessful if you wear tight and uncomfortable shoes, which are deformed nails with all the ensuing consequences. Take care that your feet were always comfortable.

Tags: foot, nail fungus, care, bath