How to align your nails

How to align your nails
 It sometimes happens that after the injury finger nail starts to bend, grow unevenly, some horizontal stripes appear. Is it possible to correct the shape of the nails, without resorting to a gel capacity?
 Damaged nails or those that are irregular in shape, it is possible to fix the correct patterning of the varnish and the choice of colors. Thus, if the free edge nails become narrower, the better use of the base lacquer dark tone and light make the tip. If, on the contrary, it is better to cover the tip of the nail varnish dark.

To divert attention from the irregular shape of nails, it is better to use parallel vertical lines in the design. To make the crown nails ideal vertical pattern in the center of the nail plate. It is necessary to perform vertical, this technique will distract attention away from the edges.

 Nails of different lengths can be aligned visually with the help of abstract painting. But if the paint pattern on the surface, it is, though length to equalize and hide unevenness, but at the same time, make considerably wider nail.
In recent years, women prefer more practical options nail that is more convenient and cheaper. Therefore, do not hide irregularities buildup, and try to treat the nail plate. To do this, cosmetology offers a variety of gels and treatment of nail polish.

If you are concerned about appearing cracks and bumps on the nails, it is better to consult a doctor treatments. A specialist will look, find out the cause and prescribe appropriate treatment. Perhaps you need to drink calcium, vitamins, trace elements.

Good results give baths with sea salt. Take a small pialku, pour hot water and add a spoonful of salt. Keep your finger tips in the solution for about twenty minutes. Then blot well and lubricate the nails olive oil with the addition of calendula.

Helps equalize nail massage. To do this, take the tip of his finger in the opposite hand and straighten the thumb nail plate. It is particularly effective after warm baths.

If you have a congenital curvature of the nail, then to improve the shape and aesthetic reasons hands, use a gel or silk buildup.

Tags: nail